There were eleven votes for guilty. It's not easy to raise my hand and send a boy off to die without talking about it first. It's just that... We're talking about somebody's life here. We can't decide in five minutes.
It's hard to put into words. I just think he's guilty. I thought it was obvious from the word go. I mean nobody proved otherwise. Nobody has to prove otherwise.
This boy, let's say he's the product of a broken home and a filthy neighbourhood. We can't help that.
The kids who crawl out of these places are real trash. I don't want any part of them, I'm telling you...Listen, I...I've lived in a slum all my life. I've played in back yards that were filled with garbage. I mean...Maybe you can still smell it on me.
This gentleman has been standing alone against us. He doesn't say the boy is not guilty. He just isn't sure. It's not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others.
You know, you do-gooders are all alike. You're always blowin' your stacks over some guy that fanned.
- 他绝对有罪,全世界没有一个人会怀疑,我们早该…我们早该结束了,你认为他无罪,对吧?我不认识你,但我打赌,你一生从未如此错过,你在浪费你的时间,你得收拾这摊子。
- 假设受审的人是你呢?
- He's guilty for sure. Not a doubt in the whole world. We should've... We should've been done already. You think he's not guilty, huh? Well, I don't know you, but I'm bettin' you've never been wronger in your life. You're wastin' your time. You ought to wrap it up.
- Supposing you were the one who was on trial?
他是个很老的人,穿着破外套,而且他走上站台的非常慢,他拖着左脚,却努力地掩饰它,因为他觉得丢人,这是个安静、胆怯、不起眼的老头子…他一辈子无所成,从来没人重视他,他的名字也没有上过报,没有人认识他,没人征询他的话,75年来没有人征询过他的意见,先生们 生无意义是一件非常悲哀的事,这样的人需要被征询,被人倾听。
He was a very old man in a torn jacket. And he walked very slowly to the stand. He was dragging his left leg and trying to hide it because he was ashamed. This is a quiet, frightened, insignificant old man who...who has been nothing all his life. Who has never had recognition or his name in the newspapers. Nobody knows him. Nobody quotes him. Nobody seeks his advice after 75 years. Gentlemen, that's a very sad thing-to mean nothing. A man like this needs to be quoted, to be listened to.
For the same reason you're not. It's the way I was brought up. This fighting. That's not why we are here, to fight. We have a responsibility. This, I have always thought, is a remarkable thing about democracy.
If you want to vote not guilty, do it because you are convinced the man is not guilty...not because you've had enough. And if you think he is guilty, then vote that way. Or don't you have the guts to do what you think is right?
Some of the time...I tell you. It's always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. Wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth. I don't really know what the truth is. I don't suppose anybody will ever really know. Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is innocent. But we're just gambling on probabilities. We may be wrong. We may be trying to let a guilty man go free. I don't know. Nobody really can. But we have a reasonable doubt. And that's something that's very valuable in our system.