Fred Rogers:
I hope you know that you made today a very special day by just your being you. There's no one in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are.
- Lloyd Vogel:你不觉得自己有名吗?
- Fred Rogers:名气不过是个两字词语,和磁带或变焦或面孔一样,重要的是我们用它做什么。
- You don't consider yourself famous?
- "Fame" is a four-letter word, like "tape" or "zoom" or "face." What ultimately matters is what we do with it.
I don't think anybody can grow unless he really is accepted exactly as he is. If somebody is always saying to a child, "Oh, you're... You're going to grow up and you're... You're going to be fine." And so a child is appreciated for what he will be and not for what he is.
Death is something many of us are uncomfortable speaking about. But to die is to be human. And anything human is mentionable. Anything mentionable is manageable.
- 我这辈子从来没有见过像你这样的人
- 灵魂破碎的人
- 我没觉得你灵魂破碎,我知道你有坚定的信念,你分得清什么是错的,什么是对的,你要记得,你和你爸爸的关系,也造就了你性格的这些部分, 他帮你成为现在的你。
- I've never met anyone like youin my entire life.
- Broken people.
- I don't think you are broken. I know you are a man of conviction. A person who knows the difference between what is wrong and what is right.Try to remember that your relationship with your father...also helped to shape those parts. He helped you become what you are.
Lloyd Vogel:
Why do we write for magazines for a living? Honestly, because doing anything else doesn't seem quite like living at all. We get a front-row seat to history. We get to expose the truth that others cannot see. And sometimes, just sometimes, we get to change a broken world with our words.