Quotes from Gatsby:
我更喜欢酒吧里的钢琴,外面阴雨绵绵,整个纽约被薄雾笼罩,一对情侣约着六点见面,在中央火车站的大钟, 像极了电影。
I love a "cocktail lounge" piano. Outside it drizzles, grey. New York City, enveloped in the light mist. Two lovers have a date to meet at 6 o'clock. At Grand Central Station, under the clock, like in the movie.
我要待在纽约,我需要这空气中的一氧化碳才能活下去,咱俩根本不是一类人对吗?你爱蟋蟀的窃窃私语 我爱喧嚣的车水马龙,你在艳阳下绽放,而我在乌云下孤僻。
I'm going to stay in New York. I need a carbon monoxide to survive. We are two different creatures, right? You like the sound of crickets and I like the rattle of the taxies. You blossom in the sun and me...I come into my own under grey skies.
简直能要我命 就像…和一群乱七八糟的人喝酒,没一个经历过什么挫折教育。
It's like death. It's like having ...Drinks with a hundred bullshit people, not one of which has ever been turned down by a co-op.
You know my mother. If it's not the perfect image, she bites down that cyanide capsule she keeps for special emergencies.
- 你竟然和一个从亚利桑那来的女孩交往?
- 这还得经过您的批准?
- 那你们平常都聊什么 仙人掌?
- 响尾蛇
- Tuscon? You are dating a girl from Arizona?
- Do I have your permission?
- What do you guys talk about, cactuses?
- Rattlesnakes.
Quotes from others:
我想说的是 如果我当初继续坚守我的职业,追寻些虚无缥缈的东西,如果我让你不太舒服了,我只是个狂热的,曾经很专业的,来自中西部的妓女,试着去根灭,仍然萦绕在我脑海中,早晨能让我惊醒的那些酒店房间。如果你不知道你是从哪里得到,你那种渴望厮混于半上流社会的神秘冲动,那是我给你的基因。
What I'm saying is that, if I have been to over too far in my pursuit of the finer things and of cultivating an image. If I have caused you some discomfort. It's only an overzealous ex-professional hustler from the mid west, trying to erradicate unsavory remnants of many hotel rooms I still wake up screaming over. And if you can't understand where you get your mysterious urge to consort with a demi-monde. You have my genes.
When he offered to set himself on fire to protest climate change, they should've let him.
- 我们试着奋斗过了
- 你肯定没少奋斗,在宾馆里,床垫上,车里
- 这和性无关
- 永远都是和性挂钩的,万物皆源于性,就连经济都是源于性。
- It just happened, Ted. We both fought it.
- I'm sure you fought it, in every hotel room, on every matress, in a backseat.
- This isn't about sex.
- It's always about sex. Everything is about sex. The economies are about sex.
- 两个食人族正在吃一个喜剧演员,其中一个问:"兄弟 吃得高兴吗?"
- 这也太冷了
- Two cannibals are eating a comedian and one says: "Hey, do you taste something funny?"
- That is so unfunny.
一个流浪汉在街上拦住了一个犹太妈妈 说: "女士,我三天没吃东西了" ,然后她说 "那就逼自己吃"。
A homeless man stopped a Jewish mother on the street and said: "Lady, I haven't eaten in 3 days." And she said: "Force yourself".