See this branch? But look, you're connected to Mom and Dad, just like this branch. You're a part of the family tree. For real.
Why do they move branches to different trees? It's called grafting. They do it to make something new. Some of the apples you love were produced by combining different trees. It's an ancient technique that was used in China over 4,000 years ago.
I like watching the way you make tea. It's very beautiful.The way the leaves bloom and float and fall. I wish I felt something deeper about tea. I wish I had a real memory of tea in China.
That a cup of tea can contain a world? That you could taste a place, a time?
中国人喜爱蝴蝶,还有一个家喻户晓的民间传说,两个恋人心碎而死 双双化蝶,还有中国古代哲学家老子曾说,"毛毛虫眼中的世界末日,我们称之为蝴蝶"。
The Chinese love butterflies. There's also a famous folk tale about two lovers who die of broken hearts and reemerge as butterflies. Also, the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, "What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly."
I think it was his searching that compelled me. You know, the pursuit of this illusive thing, this process that was connected to the soil, to the plants, to the weather, and to a way of life.
那个人在向他的德国朋友解释,为什么茶的味道那么难以形容,他说: "这是无法用语言形容的,没有任何词汇能够充分表达茶的玄妙",然后他的德国朋友站在他身边,捧着一杯茶说:"对,但我会想象,走在森林中,地上有落叶,刚下过雨,现在雨停了,空气潮湿,而你就这么走着,不知怎么的,这种感觉都在茶里了"。
Where the man is explaining to his German friend why it's so difficult for him to describe the taste of tea. He says, "There's no language for it. There are no words to adequately express the mysterious nature of tea." And his German friend, who's just standing right beside him with a cup of tea, says, "Yes, but I imagine things like you are walking through a forest, and there are leaves on the ground, and it just had rained, and the rain has stopped, and it's damp, and you walk, and somehow, that is all in this tea."
We always assume that other beings would want to be human. What's so great about being human?