Ahed's Knee


הברך (Original Title)



- 你父亲?
- 在以色列监狱里
- 他姐姐?
- 被一个女警开枪打死
- 姐夫?
- 被一个士兵开枪打死
- 他的堂兄?
- 侄子?
- 开枪打死了一个居民
- 你妈妈?
- 和我一起关在监狱里
- 你的堂姐?
- 和我们一起在监狱里
- 你的堂弟?
- 被士兵打中了头,然后送入监狱。
- Your father?
- In an Israeli jail.
- His sister? 
- Shot dead by a policewoman.
- His brother-in-law? 
- Shot dead by a soldier.
- His cousin? 
- Shot dead by a soldier.
- His nephew?
- Shot dead a settler.
- Your mother?
- With me in an Israeli jail.
- Your female cousin?
- With us in jail.
- Your male cousin?
- Shot in the head by a soldier. Then imprisoned.

What did I want? One bullet in her kneecap.

She called a meeting and told us, "It's you who decide what people consume. Then she said, You'll shape Israelis' culture, beliefs and thoughts, what they find beautiful or ugly. Basically, who they are." Suddenly, it seemed huge.

Hitting us in the wallet, at the supermarket, making us buy the cheapest brands, afraid to check our bank balance.

Diversity, the army, Jewish history...Ethnic diversity, religion, tolerance, Judaism and the diaspora, Jewish holidays, our national history...wars, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, the Torah, Judaism, family, father-son, mother-daughter, friends, love, army, flag, nation. Besides that, nothing. The country's finished. The amazing thing is, this librarian agrees with us. She says that the Ministry wants control over every song, play or movie. Anyone who dissents is crushed.

Happy divorce.

I'm showing you their wonder. A big crevasse filled by floods that killed humans and animals. A good place to die.

Global warming. Suddenly, our sun's blazing on Spanish peppers. We lost the Russian market. Fields of peppers rotting in the sun. Worthless. We all went bankrupt. Everything belongs to the banks. We're slaves.

- 你的灵感从哪来?
- 从前,来自夜晚的惊奇,如今,来自晨间的恶臭。
- Where do you get your ideas?
- Before, from the wonder of the night. Now, from the foul taste of morning.

When Syrians are scaling the walls, when it's captivity or death. Here, we choose death. We'll all take our cyanide pill. One after the other. Nobody will duck out.

Heaps of rotting peppers in the desert. A metaphor for this country.

Suppose I want to discuss a nationalist, racist, sadistic, abject Jewish state, whose sole aim is to reduce the soul, particularly the Arab soul, to impotence and incompetence, so it collapses under the state's oppression and will be completely at its mercy. A state that is a deadly, congenital or contagious disease for its citizens. You'd be rejected and blacklisted.

What if the topic is Israelis, in their bestial ignorance, blind puppets, wretched creatures, who torment anybody different from them, and who are obsessed with their possessions and...Any glimmer of light in them was extinguished by their schools, which commit crimes against their own students, which murder their spirit and exterminate their soul. Which spew out impenetrable spite. Syllabus as mental illness! And the parents, who are also terrible ignoramuses, totally innocent since no one ever opened their eyes.

Beyond their empty rhetoric, the true nature of the country's rulers is revealed. Including your minister! So cowardly, so vulgar, so grotesque. Their despicable laws prevent fresh air from penetrating people's brains.

I don't want a debate but...They shut people's eyes so they forget there's not one people, there are a million peoples. Not one country but a million countries. Each of them, Yahalom, is beautiful and important. The universe bubbles over with strange beauty.

Just read the books you probably have in your library. Jules Verne? Dickens? Dostoyevsky? Kafka? Edgar Allan Poe? George Sand? They hide all that from their people, who think, in their ignorance, the universe begins and ends in the cage where they live and die.

A new generation is rising. It grows but doesn't bloom. It wilts. It rots before buds appear. Instead of shucking off earlier generations, it wallows in its own vileness.

I'd love to film Jerusalem. Sing the praises of its monstrous charm. A land killing its own! Putrid historical garbage! Hideous inhabitants living in hideous beauty. Over time, they become malicious. Yet in that city of death, I feel at home.

You see all this, Mom? Say goodbye to the land of Israel through the clouds.

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