Annie Hall


Annie Hall (Original Title)



Alvy Singer:

有个老笑话是这样说的,有两位老妇人去卡茨基尔山旅游,其中一个说:"哎 这地方的食物可真够糟的!",另一个说: "可不是嘛 给的份量又那么少",你瞧 我对生活的看法基本上也是如此,尽管充满了寂寞、痛苦、悲惨和不幸,但又觉得一切都逝去得太快。
There's an old joke. Two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort. One says, "The food at this place is really terrible. " The other says, "I know, and such small portions. " That's essentially how I feel about life: full of loneliness, misery, suffering and unhappiness and it's all over much too quickly.

我觉得人生可以划分为 "可怕"和"可悲"两种,就是这两种类别 你知道,"可怕"包括那些绝症病人啊 盲人啊 残疾人啊,我不知道他们怎样度过这一生,简直不可思议 你知道,而剩下的都是"可悲"的,因此 你在度过这一生时,应该庆幸自己是个"可悲"的人,因为你是运气好才成为"可悲"的人的。
I feel that life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable. Those are the two categories. The horrible would be like terminal cases and blind people, cripples. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So when you go through life, be thankful that you're miserable. You're very lucky to be miserable.

Even as a kid, I went for the wrong women. I think that's my problem. When my mother took me to see Snow White...everyone fell in love with Snow White, and I fell for the wicked queen.

再一次见到安妮 我真的很高兴,我意识到她是一个多么好的人,能认识她就是一件多么有趣的事情,我想起了那个老的笑话,你知道,有个家伙去看精神病医生,他说:"大夫 我兄弟疯了",他以为他自己是一只鸡,医生说:"那你怎么不把他带来?",那家伙说:"我是想带他来着 可是我需要鸡蛋啊",你看 我想这就是现在我对男女之间关系的感觉,你知道,它是完全非理性的,疯狂的,甚至荒谬的,但是我想我们还一直要经历这一切,因为我们大多数人都需要鸡蛋。
It was great seeing Annie again. I realize what a terrific person she was...and how much fun it was just knowing her. And I thought of that old joke. This guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, "Doc, my brother's crazy. He thinks he's a chicken. " The doctor says, "Why don't you turn him in?" The guy says, "I would, but I need the eggs. " Well, I guess that's, now, how I feel about relationships. They're totally irrational, crazy and absurd. But I guess we keep going through it...because most of us need the eggs. 

In the event of war, I'm a hostage.

I don't want to live in a city...where the only cultural advantage is you can make a right turn on a red light.


- 不 我不能把一个活的东西放进热水锅里 
- 给我 让我来 你觉得我们应该怎样做,带它去看电影?
- I can't put a live thing in hot water. 
- What d'you think we were going to do, take him to the movies? 

艾尔维 一帮子脑垂体变异的怪胎…忙活着将只圆球塞进个铁圈子里 究竟有什么吸引人的? 
吸引人的地方在于这是体力活,而有关于智力往往是知识分子可以看起来很才华横溢,而实则却是狗屁不通,但从另一方面来说,身体却从不口是心非 就像你我都知道现在该干什么。
Alvy, what is so fascinating...about a group of pituitary cases trying to stuff a ball through a hoop? What is fascinating is that it's physical. That's one thing about intellectuals: They've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on. But, on the other hand, the body doesn't lie as we now know.

- 天哪 你不会想让我们看起来已经结婚了吧 是吗?
- 有什么区别吗?
- 你有你自己的住处 那么就有区别,因为它在那儿 尽管我们可以不去住 可以不去管它,但是它就像一只在水面上漂着的救生筏,有了它 我们就知道我们没有结婚。
- Jesus, you don't want it to be like we're married, do you?
- How is it any different? 
- Because you keep your own apartment. It's there. We don't have to go to it, deal with it...but it's like a free-floating life raft that we know that we're not married.

I have to go now, Duane, because I'm due back on the planet Earth.

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