Argentina, 1985


Argentina, 1985 (Original Title)



Something can go wrong. Someone gets distracted, right? And there's a gap, a thin one. A crack. That's it. It opens and closes quickly. When it opens, you have to be in there, and then, yes… Then you can do something. The things we couldn't do during the dictatorship, Julio. That's how important things were done. They were done with intelligence, with boldness, with wit, to get in there.

The ones who harm don't give warnings.

这一次,他们折磨他不是要套取任何情报,法官大人,这种持续数小时的折磨的唯一目的,就是为了让这个可怜的犯人亲口说“我给男人口交 我妈妈是个婊子”,他们折磨了他几个小时,逼他说这句话。
This time, they weren't after any information, Your Honor. The only purpose of this torture that lasted for hours… was for this prisoner to say, "I eat dick and my mother is a bitch." They tortured him for hours trying to make him say it.

How can someone be so cruel? Being so cruel to a pregnant woman? Not even caring about a baby. Dreadful, honestly. Dreadful. I never thought I would hear something… so dreadful.

我以你为荣,你知道这意味着什么吗?我一直以为自己嫁的是一个… 脾气暴躁的无神论者,但现在你已经成了国家英雄。
I'm proud of you. You know what it is? I always thought I was married to… a grumpy non-believer, and now you're a national hero.

Law is my obsession. I can't allow those who break it to get away with it. What Mr. Strassera and I want, besides justice for the victims, is to end the use of death as a political tool. Isn't that what everyone wants? This is about what the country needs. Respect and justice.

To describe it, Your Honors, I only need three words. Vicious, clandestine and cowardly. The guerrillas kidnapped and killed. And what did the state do to fight them? Kidnap, torture and kill on an infinitely larger scale. And, what is even worse, outside of any legal system.

When due process was eliminated, a true juridical subversion occurred. Official reports were replaced by accusations. Questioning, by torture. And sentence reasoned by the Neronian thumbs-down gesture. Among the many debts this coward system has incurred with the Argentinian society, there is one… which cannot be repaid.

Dante Alighieri, in The Divine Comedy, saved the seventh circle of hell for the violent ones. For all of those who hurt others through the use of force. And in that same hell, he submerged in a river of boiling and nauseating blood, a specific type of doomed, which the poet described as follows, "Tyrants are these who dealt in bloodshed and pillaging. Here, they lament their pitiless mischiefs."

I wish to waive any claim to originality in concluding this argument. I want to use… a quote that doesn't belong to me, because it already belongs to the entire Argentinian people. Your Honors, "Never Again."

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