"For whom would nature exist with no one to behold her?" Question mark. "With no one to feel the snow getting ever colder?" Question mark. "No one to fear the thunder, with its roar?" Question mark. "No one to hear the waves lap at the shore?" Question mark. "No one to scan the sky?" "To watch the shooting star?" Question mark. "For no one... for herself...for a lark."
It feels so awful when nobody needs you.
You're the man who, out of pity, cuts his dog's tail off a bit at a time. It hurts like hell. Stop doing it.
You're so observant! I made myself a new skirt! She sews! She cooks! She types! She washes clothes! She saves! And she breaks your heart. And she loves you. Where else could you find another like her?
Andre, it's fine for you to lie in one place, it's too much work for you to lie in several places at the same time.
You probably think that I'm so Ionely and unhappy now and that you must make an effort to be home more often to help. Well, just forget that. I closed my eyes to your playing around, not to hurt Lena. Now you're completely free to do anything you want.
The good dream has finally woken up.
We aim, in this turbulent world, to make culture and language of different peoples more available. And you, with your double talk, will just slow down the process.