It was the most magical place in the world, wasn't it? Another set, another review. Another romance, another breakup.
I talk to you like this because every time we play in these, you playing fucking flat. If that elephant drop its elephant ass on your face, maybe you'd be home long enough to fucking practice.
I've been saying it since Wally Reid. Who needs royalty anymore?
能有什么原因?我就想亲身参与更有意义的事情,比现在这样更有意义,比我的生命都更有意义,比铲大象粪便更有意义,更大 更好 更重要的事,更重要的事,我想参与更重要的事,我想参与那些有意义,能够在世上流传下去的事情。
Why? I just want to be part of something bigger, I guess. Bigger than this. Bigger than my life. Bigger than scooping elephant shit. Bigger. Better. Important. Something important. To be part of something important. Something that lasts, that means something.
You can be in their life. Or wherever! Or wherever! You can be in the fucking Wild West! You can be in fucking space! You can be like a gangster. And people dance in movies and people die in movies.
You got the guys in Europe with the twelve-tone. You got Bauhaus architecture. Fucking Bauhaus, you know? And we're still doing costume pictures?
"Marbled meadows metamorphose into the medieval plains of Iberia. Soldiers swarm the fields like flecks of paint from a madman's brush as your humble servant bears witness to the latest of the moving picture's magic tricks."
I hate when people put fucking toppings on ice cream. Doesn't need it. It messes up a good thing. You know what I mean?
Let 'em know that I got here on my terms, not theirs. And when I'm done, I'm gonna dance my ass off into the night. And they'll know-- everyone will fucking know that they could never control one goddamn fucking thing.
Have you ever heard of Alexander Scriabin? Alexander Scriabin was a Russian pianist. Broke his hands just so his fingers could stretch across the keys better.
You know, when I first moved to LA, you know what the signs on all the doors read? "No actors or dogs allowed."
Have you ever stopped to think why, when there's a house fire, the people die and the cockroaches all survive? What happened was you thought the house needed you. It doesn't. Doesn't need you any more than it needs the roaches. And the roaches, knowing this, crawl back into the dark, lay low, and make it through. See, but you, you held the spotlight. It's those of us in the dark, the ones who just watch, who survive. A house fire.
An earthquake could wipe this town off the map and wouldn't make a difference. It's the idea that sticks. There'll be a hundred more Jack Conrads. Hundred more me's. Hundred more conversations just like this one, over and over again, until God knows when. Because it's bigger than you. I know it hurts. No one asks to be left behind. But in a hundred years, when you and I are both long gone, any time someone threads a frame of yours through a sprocket, you will be alive again.
One day, every person on every film shot this year will be dead. And one day, all those films will be pulled from the vaults, and all their ghosts will dine together, and adventure together, go to the jungle, to war together. A child born in 50 years will stumble across your image flickering on a screen and feel he knows you, like-- like a friend, though you breathed your last before he breathed his first.
This town has gotten so repressed. This is the only place left where you can have any fun these days. Welcome to the asshole of Los Angeles.