All of these women are Barbie, and Barbie is all of these women.
I feel what could only be described as admired. But not ogled. And there's no undertone of violence.
我们贩卖梦想 ,还有想象力,甚至是火花。
We sell dreams. And imagination! And sparkle!
You've been making women feel bad about themselves since you were invented. You represent everything wrong with our culture. Sexualized capitalism, unrealistic physical ideals… Look at yourself. You set the feminist movement back 50 years. You destroy girls' innate sense of worth and you are killing the planet with your glorification of rampant consumerism. Oh, I am powerful. And until you showed up here and declared yourself Barbie, I hadn't thought about you in years, you fascist!
Which, to my understanding, is where men and horses run everything?
- 你们这些人显然没有把父权制贯彻好
- 不,不是的,我们贯彻得,贯彻得很好,真的,只是隐藏得更好了。
- You guys are clearly not doing patriarchy very well.
- No! No. We're, uh… We're doing it well, yeah. We just… hide it better now.
I thought that Barbie had made the Real World better, but the Real World is forever and irrevocably messed up!
女人恨女人 男人也恨女人,这是所有人的共识。
Women hate women, and men hate women. It's the one thing we can all agree on.
At first I thought the Real World was run by men. And then there was a minute where I thought it was run by horses. But then I realized that horses are just men extenders.
Everything, basically everything exists to expand and elevate the presence of men.
You're not your girlfriend. You're not your house, you're not your mink. You're not even beach. Maybe all the things that you thought made you you aren't… really you. Maybe it's Barbie and… it's Ken.
You understand that humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever, humans not so much. You know that, right? Being a human can be pretty uncomfortable. Humans make things up like patriarchy and Barbie just to deal with how uncomfortable it is. And then you die.
I want to be a part of the people that make meaning. Not the thing that's made. I want to do the imagining. I don't wanna be the idea.