Basic Instinct


Basic Instinct (Original Title)

退休摇滚明星强尼·博兹(Bill Cable 饰)在性行为的过程中被人用白丝巾捆绑双手后用冰锥残忍刺死。其女友凯瑟琳·特拉梅尔(Sharon Stone 饰)是一名作家,去年出版的小说中就有双手被白丝巾捆绑的退休摇滚明星被女友用冰锥刺死的情节...


It must really be something making stuff up all the time. Yeah, it teaches you to lie. You make up believable stuff. It's called suspension of disbelief.

You just can't tell about people, can you? Even the ones you think you know inside and out.

You know what they say: Takes one to know one.

I'm learning. Pretty soon I'll know you better than you know yourself.

- 巴兹先生对市长竞选贡献良多,他同时也是王宫艺术馆委员会的主席,他是个有头有脸的人。
- 那是什么?看来是有头有脸的可卡因。
- Mr. Boz was a major contributor to the mayor's campaign. He was chairman of the board of the Palace of Fine Arts. A civic-minded, very respectable rock and roll star.
- Then, what's that over there? Looks like civic-minded, very respectable cocaine.

- 你的新书写些什么?
- 一个探长爱上了不该爱的女人,她把他宰了。
- What's your new book about?
- A detective. He falls for the wrong woman. She kills him.

- 你想我吗?
- 不想
- 过来告诉我你不想我。
- Did you miss me?
- No.
- Why don't you come over here and tell me no.

- 你打算研究什么?
- 替你的书找新的结局
- 真的? 什么结局?
- 探长爱上不该爱的女人,但他没死,他们不停疯狂的做爱...永远过着幸福的日子。
- What are you researching? 
- a new ending to your book.
- Oh, really? What's the twist?
- The detective falls for the wrong girl. But he doesn't die. They fuck like minks, raise rug rats...and live happily ever after.

- 我不想这么做的,我不想这么做的,我失去了所有的人,我不想失去你,我们现在怎么办 尼克?
- 拼命做爱...像老鼠一样幸福地活下去
- 我讨厌老鼠
- 那拼命做爱好了 别管耗子了...幸福地活下去。
- I don't want to do this. Please. I don't want to do this. I lose everybody. I don't want to lose you. What do we do now?
- Fuck like minks...raise rug rats and live happily ever after.
- I hate rug rats.
- Fuck like minks, forget the rug rats...and live happily ever after.

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