I only meant that giving your life means nothing. It's harder to live it.
上帝的毁灭让你垂头丧气,上帝之死创造了很多孤儿,你是其中一个 我就是这么想的。
You've destroyed God and now you feel languid. God's death has created lots of orphans, including you. I thought it would.
Any new experience. Experience always destroys something or someone.
You understand a man's essence at once or never.
你总是说“我们” “我们必须这样做 我们必须那样做 ”,我不知道你所说的“我们”是什么意思,就我而言,我只知道我自己,我不想按照任何理想生活!
You always say 'we'. "We must do this. We must do that. " I don't know what you mean by that 'we'. As far as I'm concerned, I only know my own self. And I don't want to live by any ideal!
Gossip doesn't bother me. I'm my own mistress.
I'm light. I want to be night. I want to harm those I love. I thirst for wickedness.
He chases me. Just imagine! Then he howls like a wild animal. He can imitate any single animal of the jungle. Then he likes to see me run away. What does he do? In Asia, he learned 123 different ways of making love.
Europe has a disease called nationalism. And there's another one called idealism. Sweep them away! Destroy idealists, destroy nations, destroy righteous sentiments, and life will return!