♪ 开普敦女郎唱这歌 ♪
♪ 开普敦跑道有5英里长 ♪
♪ 整日整夜都开放 ♪
♪ 我把钱赌在短尾巴马上,有人赌在红棕马上 ♪
♪ De Camp Town Ladies sing this song,doo-dah, doo-dah. ♪
♪ De Camp Town race track five miles long,all the doo-dah day! ♪
♪ Gonna run all night, gonna run all day. ♪
♪ Bet my money on the bobtailed nag,somebody bet on the bay! ♪
What is it that's not exactly water, and it's not exactly earth? Quicksand!
My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought...careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.
I know how we can run everybody out of Rock Ridge. We'll kill the first-born male child in every household!
♪ 有一个和平的镇叫做石脊镇 ♪
♪ 人们都生活得很和谐 ♪
♪ 他们没有任何的麻烦 ♪
♪ 没有任何的悲哀 ♪
♪ 镇上的酒吧总是生机昂然 ♪
♪ 但也不肮脏也不污秽 ♪
♪ 吧台后面坐着约翰逊·艾纳 ♪
♪ 他总是将一切整理得井然有序 ♪
♪ 突然麻烦来了♪
♪ 一群杀人犯和盗贼 ♪
♪ 像蝗虫一样蜂拥而入 ♪
♪ 他们的目的是让镇上的人们逃跑 ♪
♪There was a peaceful town called Rock Ridge ♪
♪ where people lived in harmony. ♪
♪ They never had no kind of trouble. ♪
♪ There was no hint of misery. ♪
♪ The town saloon was always lively...but never nasty or obscene. ♪
♪ Behind the bar stood Anal Johnson. ♪
♪ He always kept things nice and clean! ♪
♪ And all at once the trouble started. ♪
♪ A pack of murderers and thieves....like swarms of locusts they descended ♪
♪ their aim to make the townsfolk flee. ♪
我们可爱的小镇最近发生了什么,警长被杀,庄稼被毁,商店被打劫 人们抱头鼠窜...牛羊被强奸!
What has been happening here in our beloved little town. Sheriff murdered, crops burned...stores looted, people stampeded and cattle raped!
Sir, you have the seeds of greatness in you. Nurse them, caress them, pour water on them.
My mind is a raging torrent...flooded with rivulets of thought...cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Take this down. I want rustlers, cutthroats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, half-wits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwackers, hornswagglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass kickers, shit kickers and Methodists!
My work here is done. I'm needed elsewhere now. I'm needed wherever outlaws rule the West. Wherever innocent women and children are afraid to walk the streets. Wherever a man cannot live in simple dignity. Wherever people cry out for justice.
- 你要去哪里,牛仔?
- 不是很特别的地方
- 不是很特别的地方,我一直想去一个这样的地方。
- Where are you headed, cowboy?
- Nowhere special.
- Nowhere special. I always wanted to go there.
♪ 他征服了恐惧和仇恨 ♪
♪ 他把黑夜变成了白天 ♪
♪ He conquered fear and he conquered hate. ♪
♪ He turned our night into day. ♪