Now that I've been fired, I have a kind of strange sensation. I feel like something's sucking me up, and I get a cold sweat. And my wife, I still don't know when I'm going to be able to tell her. To deal with this at my age...I feel like I've been abandoned. It's as if I were suffocating.
It's like a social crisis. That's the Japanese for you: suicide, hara-kiri, execution...
People are truly oppurtunists...One day, they tempt you, and the next they throw you crazy looks.
Life insurance and attempted suicide: It's an altogether new combination. This man's spirit of sacrifice is rare compared to prevailing selfishness, It goes well with the image of life insurance.
Kiguchi is not what you think. He possesses a rare honesty. I don't believe you. "Do your worst, forget the best".
- 这样一个名人,油水却不多,螨虫似的! 像寄生虫一样!
- 现在就是这样的时代,不是只有我一个人这样做。
- For such a famous guy, he's not profitable. Such a parasite! Like a tick!
- This world's a living hell. It's not just me.
- 你这样不顾一切,拼命向前,小心有一天会狠狠地摔一跤,日本现在就是个纸屋,手指轻轻一碰就会倒。
- 我就要做那根手指!
- And you pull yourself to the top by the force of your arms. Be careful, you're heading for a fall one day. Japan is a house of cards. One finger could make it fall.
- And I'll be that finger!
- 我不是很聪明,但我的身材超棒
- 你真直接 我也一样: 身体就是一切,身体才是根本...你说的很对!
- I'm not very smart, but I'm rather proud of my body.
- You're direct. It's the same for me: all in the body. The body, it's the foundation... You're all right!