Boccaccio '70


Boccaccio '70 (Original Title)



Follow the elephants' example, when they mate they go and hide in the jungle!

There's a lot of filth in private, do we want to make it public? Do we want to build monuments to sex? Triumphal arches for whores?

Look at my naked arms. I can hold a hundred thousand men tightly in this way. When I move my hips, convents shake. When I move my eyes in a certain way, I feel great pleasure in my back. A pleasure as great as death.

Death is life, when death purifies.

Yes, they are. People read, they go to the movies. Everybody does exactly the same things, Aristocrats, intellectuals, teen-agers…

Don't think that when I got married. I had any illusions of being able to communicate. I knew quite well I would be horribly lonely. I only married my husband so our property could marry.

- 我到底招谁惹了谁,我就像天边的一朵云,一朵云能对谁产生影响呢?
- 就算是一朵云,也会变成我不想描述的样子。
- Did I annoy someone? I was there like a cloud. How can a cloud bother you?
- Even a cloud can become a shape that I don't want to describe!

"I love you, oh cypress tree, for your melancholy is like me"

- 我想要成为一个普通的女人,像你一样有一份实际的工作,还有一大堆真实的烦恼。
- 是啊,肉体的吸引力不足以维持婚姻,感情就这样来了又去。
- I want to become an ordinary woman with a concrete job and a lot of real worries, like yours.
- Yes… a physical attraction is not enough to make a marriage. It comes… and then it goes.

Money, money, money makes men bolder. Especially if you're older.

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