Brief Encounter


Brief Encounter (Original Title)

Laura 的生活简单而幸福:有一个爱她的丈夫,一对可爱的儿女。每个周四她都习惯搭火车去附近的一个地方买东西。这天,在火车站旁的一间小餐厅,眼睛被吹进了沙子的她得到了医生Alec的帮助。几天后,她又在餐厅遇到了医生,由于桌子不够,两人便坐在一起吃饭,相谈甚欢。原来医生也已经结婚,每个星期二也来这里的本地医院帮忙。两人约定下星期再见面......


After all, you can't expect much spirit from a man with only one lung and a wife with diabetes.

I suppose it's sensible in a way rushing off… to start life anew in the wide open spaces and all that sort of thing, but… wild horses wouldn't drag me away from England… and home and all the things I'm used to. I mean, one has one's roots after all, hasn't one? Oh, yes, one has one's roots.

Nothing lasts, really, neither happiness nor despair. Not even life lasts very long.

I want to remember every minute… always, always to the end of my days.

The stars can change in their courses, the universe go up in flames… and the world crash around us, but there'll always be Donald Duck. I do love him so - his dreadful energy and his blind frustrated rages.

Do you know, I believe we should all behave quite differently… if We lived in a Warm, sunny climate all the time. We shouldn't be so withdrawn and shy and difficult.

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