l don't know, l don't know what the Pentecost is. Mom never explained it to me. l guess it's when the world ends...and fellas like you and me, we march off to hell.
My old lady's trying to get me to quit this job. She says l'm getting too old to be breaking my back shoveling asphalt. l told her strong backs and weak minds runs in the family.
The bottom line is...we're around each other...and this thing grabs hold of us again...in the wrong place...in the wrong time...and we're dead. l tell you...there were these two old guys ranched up together down home. EarI and Rich. And they was a joke in town...even though they were pretty tough oId birds. Anyway, they found EarI dead...in an irrigation ditch. They took a tire iron to him, spurred him up...and drug him around by his dick tiII it puIIed off.
Well, if you cangt fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it.
Tell you what. The truth is...sometimes l miss you so much, l can hardly stand it.
Hell, Jack, you know me. About all the traveling l ever done...is around a coffee pot, looking for the handle.
We could have had a good life together. Fucking real good life. Had us a place of our own! But you didngt want it, Ennis. So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy. Fucking all.
He use to say he wanted his ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain...but I wasngt sure where that was. I thought Brokeback Mountain might be around where he grew up. Knowing Jack...it might be some pretend place...where bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring.