Don't give birth if you want to abandon it.
I sometimes dream that it's raining... that the rain will wash away yesterday's me, but when I open my eyes, it's still pouring and I haven't changed a bit.
The audacity of using a baby box for human trafficking, all because of the invention of the box in the first place, and the irresponsible mothers...
都说血浓于水,领养之后,养父母又生了一个小孩怎么办,是啊 这里的孩子们大部分都遭遇了一次自己的存在被否定,被抛弃的经历,对吧,但领养后又再次…那样孩子的人生就会一直被否定。
They say blood is thicker than water, and what happens when the adoptive parents have another child, yes, most of the children here have had their existence denied and abandoned, right, but then they adopt again... and the child's life is always denied.
我们真的会当作是自己的孩子来抚养的,我们真的会珍惜地抚养 不是…我们珍惜地去抚养孩子,我们 …我们的孩子们珍惜地…像我们自己的孩子一样,好好地去抚养长大。
We really do raise them as if they were our own, we really do raise them cherishingly Not ... we raise them cherishingly, we ... our children cherishingly ... raise them well as our own children.
Women have things they cannot ask of others.
- 羽星是有什么含义?
- 翅膀的羽加上,星星的星,希望能远走高飞的意思。
- What is the meaning of the feathered star?
- The feather of the wing plus the star of the star, wishing to fly far away.
He was not an abandoned child, but a kept child, and I would tell him that every day that I raised him, hoping that he would be raised by someone like that and would not live like me.