That's the nature of that world. Besides, always leave them wanting more, as they say.
That's how it was as a sex worker. If you want to know who someone is, look into their eyes.
They say food tastes better when you eat with someone else. Sometimes with the wrong people, things can taste bad. But with the right people, the food will taste delicious.
Years ago, a client of mine told me that he thought we were all aliens in human bodies. They say that we're all human. Actually, we all come from different planets. So really, it's no wonder we can't understand each other.
I wanted that if I said, "This is nice," that someone would say, "That is nice." And if I asked, "Right?" someone would say, "That's right." I guess… that's all I ever wanted.
I always want ramen after I bury something that's dead.
It's like a personal mantra. Looking at it reminds me to stay calm. But when I see people who are like my father… I can't stand it. Acting like they can say and do anything, bullying people weaker than them… It kind of makes me lose it. One of us will die, either my father or me.
I thought love was meant to be like that. But these days… I don't believe that. You cannot own someone's heart exclusively. Also, I don't want to be owned. I realized… If love is about owning, well, then I don't need love. I can't get drunk on love. It's like people who can't drink alcohol. There are some people who get sick from drinking it, and even die. And so, why would you drink it at all? You can live a happy life sober, right?
- 天气这么糟糕的夜晚,为什么店还开着?
- 在暴风雨的夜晚我有无法抗拒的冲动,你不觉得下雨很刺激吗?我觉得街上也会有喜欢下雨的人。
- Tell me, why are you open on a day like this?
- Oh. Well… I love the rain. It always makes me feel like going out, maybe to go dancing. I thought, "There must be others out there like me."
Are you thinking of going far away? It's okay. You can stop running away now. No matter how fast you run or how far you go, your loneliness will follow.
I left the interview on purpose to watch what she did. I gave her an extra bento we had left over from lunch that day. I watched her eat the whole thing, right down to the shrimp tail, and skin from the mackerel. I thought someone who showed such appreciation… couldn't be bad.