Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Original Title)



- 我觉得好孤单
- 没有人不孤单。
- I get so lonely.
- Everybody gets that.

Living with somebody you love can be lonelier than living entirely alone when the one you love doesn't love you. You can't even stand drinking out of the same glass, can you?

Most drinking men lose theirs. Why can't you? I think you've even gotten better-looking since you went on the bottle.

If I thought you'd never, never make love to me again, I'd find me the longest, sharpest knife I could and I'd stick it straight into my heart.

You know what I feel like? I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof.

I'm not living with you. We occupy the same cage, that's all.

I've been so disgustingly poor all my life. That's the truth, Brick. You don't know what it's like to have to suck up to people you can't stand just 'cause they have money. You don't know what it's like never having any clothes.

You can be young without money. But you can't be old without it.

They're a couple of cats. They're sitting on the middle of a big piece of land, you know, 28,000 acres. That's a lot of land. And they're both squaring off, each determined to knock off a bigger piece whenever you let go.

I'll tell you something, boy, I still have a feeling for women, and I'm 65. It's not only remarkable and admirable, it's downright satisfying. I'm going to have me a ball. I'm gonna pick me a choice woman, and I'm going to smother her in minks and choke her with diamonds. I'm going to be happy.

I like you, son, but why should I subsidize worthless behavior, rot, corruption?

Didn't you ever look up to anybody? Anybody at all in your whole life? Didn't you ever believe in anything, anybody? No, sir. I guess you didn't. Nothing and nobody excepting Big Daddy himself.

You and Skipper and millions like you, are living in a kids' world, playing games, touchdowns, no worries, no responsibilities. Life ain't no damn football game. Life ain't just a bunch of high spots. You're a 30-year-old kid. Soon you'll be a 50-year-old kid pretending you hearing cheers when there ain't any. Dreaming and drinking your life away.

Heroes in the real world live 24 hours a day, not just two hours in a game.

You won't live with mendacity, but you're an expert at it.

Everybody keeps hollering about the truth. Well, the truth is as dirty as lies!

There's one thing you can't buy in a Europe fire sale, or any other market on earth. That's your life. Can't buy back your life when it's finished.

The human animal is a beast that eventually has to die. If he's got money, he buys and he buys. The reason why he buys everything he can is because of a crazy hope that one of the things he buys will be life everlasting, which it never can be.

Didn't you notice an unpleasant smell of mendacity in this room? You can smell it. It smells like death.

A family crisis brings out the best and the worst in every member of the family.

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