Chess of the Wind


شطرنج باد (Original Title)

1979年伊斯兰革命后,此片更因其非伊斯兰教内容被禁。随后原底片丢失,坊间只流传一个经审查的低清VHS版本。 佚失四十多年后,导演的儿子竟在一个卖旧戏服配饰的跳蚤市场上,偶然地发现了此片的35毫米底片及声片!故事讲述一个贵族家庭的夫人去世了,现在剩下的人为继承她的遗产发生的冲突。


"Competition in increasing worldly gains diverts you. Until you visit the graveyards. And visit the graves."

My marriage to your mother was temporary for one night.

他们将我带到一间房,看着像地下室,可以透过小洞看到了外面,我整个人都惊恐万分 ,一直盯着那个洞,我看到尘埃弥漫在空气中,那里积满了灰尘。我看到…他们把小洞堵上了,都是尘土,瞬间使我意识到它就是我的坟墓吧,他们将我活埋了,之后我就死了。
They took me to a room. Which looked like a cellar. With just one tiny hole to the outside. Afraid as I was, I kept staring at the hole. I saw dust was pouring in from it. And then more dust. I looked… they were filling up the hole. What dust! It took me a while to realise it was my grave that they were filling. And I was dead.

Your Honour, a small corner of my shop is all I need from this world. I'll be less than a dog if I set foot in this house again. But it'll be her responsibility.

To ward off the evil eye. Get out of here, you wretched girl!

We should turn the inheritance into property and rent it. We can rent it to the English. Just think about the prestige.

Your honour, the problem is not this inconsiderable house… Inconsiderable is your face!

The skin of my father's back has peeled off. It has become like the skin of a tree. They whipped him very hard. His eyes had popped out of pain. He couldn't see anymore. A dead lamb has a healthier body.

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