That people in the past may have been discriminated against purely, because they were of a particular race. Now the reverse appears to be so. The days of special privileges for british citizens here are over. And as the oriana sailed into the sunset, there was a palpable sense of an era coming to an end.
Sometimes you just fall in love with a place without really knowing why, without really ever fully understanding it… The way I fell in love with vivian.
Everything has its price. Everything is for sale. Nobody falls in love. That's why we're all here.
They say that if you're bleeding from a broken heart… You must get a piece of jade and keep it close. Then your blood will go into the stone, and the stone will get into your blood.
- 为什么中国男人喜欢金发女人?
- 跟她们上床不会想到老婆。
- Why chinese people like blondes, don't you?
- So they can sleep with them without being reminded of their wives.
As i grew older, i couldn't have sex for love. It was too painful. So i did it for financial reasons.
You know, every love story is the same. I mean, just… We have boleros for that, to describe the whole thing. Usually boleros are written when love begins… And when love ends. And in the middle… Nothing, because no one wants to know about…
Out of your life, you give me a moment. Me sure that, in spite of the past and in spite of the future, this tick of our lifetime's one moment you love me.