Chungking Express


重慶森林 (Original Title)



You brush past so many people every day. Some you may never know anything about, but others might become your friend someday.

That was the closest we ever got just 0.01 cm between us. Fifty-seven hours later, I fell in love with this woman.

We all have our habits. Mine is to wait here for May to get off work.

The boss here says she looks like Yamaguchi Momoe. She likes that. She and I just broke up. She wished I were more like Tomokazu Miura myself.

密码 "爱你一万年"
Password is "Love You for 10,000 Years."

We all get our hearts broken sometime. Whenever I do, I go jogging. The body loses water when you jog, so I don't cry as easily.

I don't know when I started being so cautious. If I put on a raincoat, I wear sunglasses too. You never know if it's going to rain or be sunny.

We broke up on April Fool's Day, so I took it as a joke. I'm willing to humor her for a month. Every day I buy a can of pineapple with an expiration date of May 1, because May loves pineapple, and May 1 is my birthday. I tell myself that if May hasn't come back by the time I've bought 30 cans, then our love will expire too.

- 新鲜新鲜,什么新鲜啊?就是你这种人,喜新厌旧,弄一罐凤梨罐头,要花多少新鲜,你知道吗?又要种,又要摘,又要切,你说不要就不要啊?你有没有想过罐头的感受?
- 先生,我只是职员,我负责卖东西的,你叫我去想罐头的感受?你有没有想过我的感受?
- With you people it's always "Out with the old, in with the new!" You realize what goes into making a can of pineapple? The fruit is grown, harvested, sliced -- and you just throw it away! How do you think the pineapple feels?
- Buddy, I just work here.  Who cares about the pineapple? What about how I feel?

When did everything start having an expiration date? Swordfish expires. Meat sauce expires. Even plastic wrap expires. I'm starting to wonder: Is there anything in this world that doesn't?

As May 1 begins, I begin to understand. In May's eyes, I'm no different from a can of pineapple.

People say dogs are man's best friend. So how come mine won't share my grief now?

Actually, really knowing someone doesn't mean anything. People change. A person may like pineapple today and something else tomorrow.

On May 1, 1994, a woman wishes me happy birthday. Now I'll remember her all my life. If memories ever come in a can, I hope that can never expires. If it has to have a shelf life, I hope it's 10,000 years.

That was the closest we ever got just 0.01 cm between us. I knew nothing about her. Six hours later, she fell in love with another man.

I thought we'd stay together for the long haul, flying like a jumbo jet on a full tank. But there was an unexpected change of course.

It seemed I was in his apartment and that I'd wake up when I left. I didn't know you never wake up from some dreams. Some days I go home for lunch, because there's always a chance...

有一天,我突然心血来潮 我有一个感觉,她好像回来了,不知道是我忘了关水龙头,还是房子越来越有感情?我一直以为它是最坚强的,没想到它会哭得最厉害,一个人哭,你只需要给他一包纸巾,可是一间房子哭,你可要多做很多功夫。
One day I had this sudden feeling she was back. Did I leave the faucet running, or is the apartment getting more weepy? I thought it would cope all right. I didn't expect it to weep this much. When people cry, you just give them a tissue. But when an apartment cries, it's a lot of work to mop it up.

It was a relief when I saw it crying. It may look different on the outside, but it's still true to itself. It's still a very emotional towel.

It was pouring outside. Watching through the window, I saw a rainy California. I needed to know if the other California was warm and sunny. I decided to give myself one year. Tonight it's raining as hard as it was then. Looking out this window, there's just one person in my thoughts. I wonder if he ever opened my letter.

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