Yukio Murata:
Now that's one hell of a silly fish. It's a Red Tail Catfish. These fish will eat until their stomachs burst. Silly, aren't they! But ifyou don't feed it, it starts to look really sad. So I have to feed it. It devours food so happily. It's so fun to watch, I feed it once every 3 days. Their tail fins are venomous.
Do you know why she's so beautiful? Because she knows that she's attractive. She knows how to attract male fish.
He'll calm down soon. No need to panic. We all die one day with no exception! He'll die today, that's all! It's no surprise.
You think the Earth is a smooth, blue sphere? My idea of it is that it's a chunk of rock. It's a rugged, ugly pile of rocks!
Taeko Syamoto:
If we are all to be happy, we have to take this step.
Nobuyuki Syamoto:
Life is...Living your life...hurts.