

Cracks (Original Title)

大约是在1930年代,在一间纪律严明的英国寄宿女校内,有一支游泳队。游泳队里的女生各个都是成绩和外貌上的佼佼者。她们刻苦训练,每天汗流浃背地游泳,目的并不是在比赛中获得什么好的名次,而是为了接近她们的教练——G女士(Miss G)。G女士是一个有着阴郁气质和优雅外貌的女人。她浑身所散发出来的那种黑色而又神秘的感觉,让一众学生为她倾倒...


Quotes from Miss G:

I don't think it's wrong to want to know about the real world. We can't stay pure forever.

- 生命中最重要的事情是什么?喝粥吗?戴,你说
- 欲望  G小姐
- 对了  谢谢你  拉德菲尔德
- 生命中最重要的就是欲望,你能得到你想要的一切,世界为你而造,一切皆有可能  我的姑娘们,只要你有欲望,你们有欲望吗?
- 有  G小姐
- 那么,没有什么能阻挡你前进,要胸怀大志!
- Is that the most important thing in life? Porridge? Di?
- Desire, Miss G.
- Yes! Thank you, Radfield! The most important thing in life is desire. You can achieve anything you want. The world is yours for the taking. Nothing is impossible for you, my girls. All you need is to desire it. Do you have desire? 
- Yes, Miss G.
- If you have desire, nothing can stand in your way. Aim high!

Listen. It's the sound of the world ending.

I love to travel. One day I shall have to resume my exploration of the world. It's in our blood, isn't it?

You're not like the other girls. They're still waiting for their lives to begin. But not you. But you can go whenever you choose.

Fiamma has an intrepid spirit. Real mettle in her soul. Imagine possessing what she has. How different to this dull, aching existence. Only Fiamma is willing to risk it all. To push herself beyond her boundaries.

I hope this makes the homesickness go away. Nothing worse than feeling all alone somewhere foreign. I know that feeling. And I know how important even a small kindness can be.

姑娘们,我们是天使,是雄鹰,跳水如同飞翔,将自己从世俗的枷锁中释放出来吧,除了空气  让其它一切阻力消失,你们处于天堂与人间的间隙,不需再墨守成规。
Girls, we are...angels, eagles. To dive is to fly. Set yourself free of the shackles of conformity. Let nothing hold you back except the air itself. You are between heaven and earth. The rules no longer apply.

我会为你做一切,你知道的  是吗?我们会成为好朋友  你和我,我们可以分享一切,共同欣赏这个世界,我们...我们可以在南美与土匪同行,可能马鞍里还藏着未被打磨的钻石,还有些小岛,上面有未经发现的原始部落,有些人们从未去过的地方,我们可以一起去亚马逊爬树,畅谈我们的人生,一切皆有可能,但你要学会...分享,你不能让朋友乞求,别让我乞求。
I would do anything for you. You do know that, don't you? We're going to be great friends, you and I. And share simply everything. We'll see the world together. We...We will ride with bandits in South America with rough diamonds hidden in our saddles. There are islands, you know, where there are undiscovered tribes, places no one has explored. We'll climb the canopies of Amazonas and talk of the life we've lived. Anything is possible, you know. But you have to share. You can't make friends beg. Don't make me beg.

My beautiful child. My beautiful girl. I suppose you were not really meant for this world. Go to sleep now. Go to sleep.

Quotes from others:

- 床头柜上只能放5样东西
- 那真是为难我了
- You may have five things on your nightstand.
- Then I shall do my very best.

Each little flower that opens
Each little bird that sings
He made their glowing colours
He made their tiny wings
All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all
The purple-headed mountain
The river running by
The sunset and the morning...

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