Das geschriebene Gesicht


本片是被誉为“日本梅兰芳”的国宝级歌舞伎大师坂东玉三郎的个人自传性质影音作品,集声光色影等多种高超艺术表现手法于一身,通过原汁原味的古典曲艺表演、日本若干古典艺术表演界名魁的今昔对比、玉三郎亲自制作的情景短片等部分折射出女形表演者 错综复杂的内心感受。摩登与怀旧互照,今日与昨日对比,现实与梦幻交织,男与女的角色转换,共同组成了这幅以美丽与哀愁为主题的艺术家的内心写真。


There are however women whom I feel are exceptional in their fe-mininity: for example Garbo or Dietrich; Hollywood made them into a type of identifiable artistic symbol. Han Takehara and Haruko Sugimura are a similar phenomenon. The fact that they are women can be withheld at first. Then their performing material can be laid out and they can draw on what is useful and set it out in "preparation", as if in a cooking process.

The 21st century is about to begin. I do not know what the world will look like. But the essential substance of which people and their feelings are made will not change. Film is first and foremost entertainment. But it also allows us to think about life in general. That is why it will not disappear.

We live in a time of transition. And nothing goes on forever, neither good things nor bad things.

With sadness, when I am sad, thoughtfully, when I am thoughtful. Just so, I move my body and my heart.

People who know how to play like children, adapt every space which is given to them. From an isolated space capsule, they can create a cosmos. Such, I think, are people with a theatrical soul.

My twilight Geisha time will soon be over. It is moving into evening sunlight. Time passes like the critically decisive instant…

One cannot choose, the questions remain open, in this unique twilight zone in which the destiny of man is played out. From the beginning onwards.

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