There were children in those days who lived off human flesh.
When your mother lost you. And, in the same part of the world. Now is life's artful triumph of vanities destroyed… for the spirit has vanished from its tabernacle… its clay groweth black. The vessel is shattered, voiceless, emotionless, dead. Committing which unto the grave, let us beseech the Lord… that He will give her eternal rest.
"Brotherhood and freedom." Yuri, what splendid words. "Justice, equality and bread."
Good marriages are made in Heaven, or some such place.
There were women and children, Lara, and they rode them down. Starving women asking for bread. On Tamskaya Avenue, the pigs were eating and drinking and dancing!
Funny thing. There's a man, speaks on public platforms. In with the government. In with the Liberals. In with everybody. And he risks it all. For that! That's not how poets see them, is it? That's how GPs see them. That's how they are.
Do people improve with age? They grow a little more tolerant. Because they have more to tolerate in themselves.
There are two kinds of men, and only two. And that young man is one kind. He is high-minded. He is pure. He is the kind of man that the world pretends to look up to and despises. He's the kind of man who breeds unhappiness, particularly in women. There's another kind. Not high-minded. Not pure, but alive.
One man desperate for a blt of fuel Is pathetlc. Flve mllllon people desperate for fuel wlll destroy a clty.
The Front is wherever there are enemies of the Revolution. Wherever there is one gang of White Guards one battalion of foreign interventionists, that is the Front. Wherever there is one resentful bourgeois, one unreliable schoolmaster… one dubious poet hugging his private life. That, too, is the Front.