If there is any town in this world would be better without, this is it.
It was a fact that in the Henson home lay another horizon. A horizon just as alluring as the one beyond the valley. A horizon bound by Liz Henson's luscious curves. A sweet, painful, seductive abyss.
Used to leave to go vote, but since they put on the registration fee, about a day's wage for these people, they don't feel the democratic need any more.
- 那些丑陋的小雕像来描述这镇上的居民恐怕比任何言语都强。
- 如果这是你爱的城镇,那么你表达喜爱之情的方式的确奇怪,我所看到的只是一个坐落在雄伟山脉中得漂亮小镇,一个即使在最艰难的条件下人们仍然抱有希望和梦想的地方。
- Those awful figurines say more about the people in this town, than many words.
- If this is the town that you love, then you really have a strange way of showing it. All I see, is a beautiful little town in the midst of magnificent mountains.A place where people have hopes and dreams even under the hardest conditions.
Grace's interview with Jack McKay proved sadly symptomatic of the attitude in Dogville. Reserved but friendly, not without curiosity.
This town is rotten from the inside out, and I wouldn't miss it, if it fell into the gorge tomorrow.
I am not that stupid anymore, I found out that people are the same all over. Greedy as animals. In a small town they're just a bit less successful.
Grace had bared her throat to the town and it had responded with a great gift: with friends. No gangster could deprive her of this meeting with the township, no matter how many guns in the world. And should the strokes of the bell did not reach 15, she knew now that she meant something to the town and that her stay had been of significance. Not much, perhaps, but nevertheless, a trace she had left. And the first in her young life in which she took pride.
In her lifetime Grace had considerable practice at constraining her emotions, and would never have believed it would be hard to control them now. But as the porcelain pulverized on the floor it was as if it were human tissue disintegrating. The figurines were the offspring of the meeting between the township and her. They were the proof that in spite of everything, her suffering had created something of value.
Appealing to consciences stowed farther and farther away by their owners every day as if they were as fragile as Henson's glasses after polishing, had proved quite a task.
Grace looked at the gooseberry bushes so fragiles in the smooth darkness. It was good to know that if you did not treat them ill, they would be there, come spring as always, and come summer they'd again be bursting with the quite incomprehensible quantity of berries that were so good in pies.
Grace paused. And while she did, the clouds scattered and let the moonlight through and Dogville underwent another of little changes of light. It was as if the light, previously so merciful and faint, finally refused to cover up for the town any longer. Suddenly you could no longer imagine a berry that would appear one day on a gooseberry bush, but only see the thorn that was there right now. The light now penetrated every unevenness and flaw in the buildings... and in...the people! And all of a sudden she knew the answer to her question all too well: If she had acted like them, she could not have defenced a single one of her actions and could not have condemned them harshly enough. It was as if her sorrow and pain finally assumed their rightful place.