Drive My Car


ドライブ・マイ・カー (Original Title)

影片改编自村上春树的《驾驶我的车》,曾被收录于小说集《没有女人的男人们》中,故事讲述舞台剧演员家福(西岛秀俊 饰)明知同为演员的妻子和同剧男演员定期幽会,却佯装不知,在世人面前扮演着恩爱夫妻。妻子去世后,他雇佣了一位女司机渡利(三浦透子 饰),在与渡利的交流中,他开始追问亡妻是否非和“那个男人”保持关系不可。


Yûsuke Kafuku:

I think we were a compatible couple. We needed each other to move on.

Chekhov is terrifying. When you say his lines, the real you comes out. You are not sorry? I can not take it anymore. Which means I can no longer give myself to paper. 

The woman cannot become a "friend" of the man except in this order. First, comrade. then lover, and then "friend."

她的加速和减速非常平稳,我几乎感觉不到,有时我甚至会忘了自己在车里,我体验过很多人开车 但从来没有这么愉快过,我很高兴她成为我的司机,这就是我现在的感受。
She is fabulous. It speeds up and slows down so smoothly that I barely feel gravity. Sometimes I forget I'm in a car. I have experienced many peopledriving, but it was never so enjoyable. I'm glad you've been assigned as my driver. 

因为那个女人的忠诚就是个彻头彻尾的谎言,虽然有大量的修辞 但其中却没有逻辑,我的生活迷失了,已经无可挽回。这个想法就像恶灵一样日夜困扰着我,我的过去一去不复返 无足轻重,但是现在更糟,我该对我的生活和我的爱情做些什么呢,发生的事情,当你跟我谈起爱情和浪漫时,我感觉很迷茫,不知道该说什么
Because that fidelity is false from the beginning to the end. He has too much rhetoric and no logic. my life is lost forever. That thought anguishes me day and night.My past was uselessly consumed in childishness, and my present it's stupid. My love and life, what do I do with you? Where do I put them? Hear him talk about his love it makes me embarrassed and I don't know what to say to him. 


Driving is the only thing I know how to do.

我不知道这些是不是真话,可他所说的 对他而言都是真实的,我能听得出来,因为我就是在一群骗子中长大的,我必须能够辨别它,否则我无法生存下去。
I don't know if it's the truth but he was telling him what he believed to be true. I was able to notice it. Because I grew up among liars. He had to discern or hewouldn't have survived.

If you really want to figure someone out, you should look first your interior honestly and deeply. That is what I think.

Whenever he did, he hugged her and rubbed his back. I liked those times. The beautiful part of my mother condensed into Sachi.

凡尼亚舅舅 我们要继续活下去,我们会度过漫长的白昼,和漫长的黑夜,我们要耐心地承受命运给我们带来的考验,即使不能休息,我们将继续为他人工作,无论是现在 还是当我们都老了,当我们的最后时刻到来时,我们都会悄悄地离去。在伟大的未来,我们会告知他,我们所遭受的,我们所哭泣的,生活很艰难,而上帝会怜悯我们的,然后你和我,我们将会看到那明亮美妙的、梦幻般的生活在我们眼前,我们将欢欣鼓舞,我们脸上带着温柔的笑容,回看我们当下的悲伤,然后我们就可以休息了。我深信不疑,我从心底里坚信这一点,当那一时刻到来时,我们就可以休息了。
We will live, Uncle Vanya. We'll go through long, long days of long evenings, patiently enduring the tests that destiny sends us. Without knowing rest, we will work for others the same now as in old age. When our time comes We will die submissive. And there, on the other side of the grave, we will say that we have suffered, that we have cried, that we have suffered bitterness. God...he will take pity on us. And then, dear uncle, we will know a wonderful life, clear and will come to us and, with a smile, we will remember with emotion our present misfortunes. And finally we will rest I have faith. I believe passionately. Ardently. When that time comes, we will rest.

有一天 她记起了自己的前世,她前世曾是一条七鳃鳗,她曾是一条高贵的七鳃鳗,她没有像其他七鳃鳗一样,从头顶经过的鱼群身上吸取养分,她把吸盘一样的嘴巴\N扣在河床上的一块石头上,什么也没做,只是在那里摇摆,直到她愈加消瘦,真的变得像河草一样,她粘在了石头上,她不记得自己是怎么死去的,她只记得在河底摇摆。在山贺的房间里 她突然明白了,她在这里做的是一样的,她离不开他的房间,就像她紧紧粘在那块石头上一样。如此想来 房间里的一片寂静,跟在水底无比相似,时间静止不动,过去与当下逐渐模糊,而她又再度变成了一条七鳃鳗。
One day, she remembers her previous life. Are you talking about the intrusive girl? She was a lamprey in her past life. It was a noble lamprey, did not attack the fishpassing by like the other lampreys. It stuck its sucking mouthparts to a rock in the riverbed and stood there rocking. clung to the rock, Letting go as if it were river grass. He doesn't remember how he died. Did he starve? Did a fish eat it? Just remember that it was rocking at the bottom of the river. In Yamaga's room, that's when he understands who does the same in this life. It cannot be detached from its room, like the rock lamprey. On second thought, the silence in this room It is very similar to the one under the water. Time freezes. The past and the present fade away. Then, he turns into a lamprey again.

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