Driving Miss Daisy


Driving Miss Daisy (Original Title)

戴茜小时候在贫民地方长大,丈夫生意的崛起才让他们家过上富足日子,所以戴茜非常节俭。现在她年事已高,不能自己开车了,儿子为她请来黑人司机霍克,但是戴茜却十分不喜欢。她起初逃避出行 ,因为不想让霍克当上司机,后来她才觉得,儿子付了钱却不用他干活,似乎太不划算,于是终于给了霍克第一次为自己开车的机会。


Yes, sir. You are right about that. It only took me six days. Same time it took the Lord to make the world.

I think you're the best widow in the State of Georgia.

History will have to record… that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition… was not the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people… but the appalling silence and indifference of the good people. And our generation will have to repent… not only for the words and acts of the children of darkness… but also for the fears and apathy of the children of light.

An old nigger and an old Jew woman riding down the road together. Now that is one sorry sight.

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