Early Spring Story


早春物語 (Original Title)



My heart was beating so fast during the first kiss. Nothing but blankness. I felt nothing except appreciation. But it's different lately. When he kisses my ear and forehead. I wouldn't say that it's annoying. I just feel uneasy. As if I might float into some unknown place.

After I met Mr. Ogawa, I've lost all my sense. Is it warm or cold? I can't tell. But today I can feel that it's warm.

Cherry blossoms represent Spring. To me, you're like Spring.

I spend most of my time on the highway, traveling hundreds of miles everyday. Often staying at some unknown villages, in one of those poor-hygiene motels! As for the food, I drink port wine in order to help chew down the tough and not-so-tasty steaks. That's life. Day after day, routine. I could almost picture what it's like. Though it might seem a little bit sad, but I like it.

It's our first date.

- 你是待在纽约,我可是在中东,枪林弹雨的,我可羡慕你的。
- 说什么啊,纽约是杀人不见血那种的。
- You were stationed in New York all those years, but I was in the war zone, middle east! I really envy you.
- What are you talking about? New York is just the same, only without the war.

No, it was an arranged match. Even so. But to me, it was just like love. It was love at first sight. Do you think anyone would? I was really captured by your mom. I tried very hard to pursue her, at the time when I was about to give up, because I heard nothing from her. At the construction site she once came to look for me. I mean, being a work site, there were many rude guys. They were mocking me. So I grabbed her hand, and kept running apologising all the while. I remember it well. Then your mom suddenly said, Please take good care of me. I was shocked. I turned my head towards her, she was crying. And I kept nodding. I was thrilled. I remember so well.

If you keep thinking like this, it won't do you any good. You'll be too scared to love. Because you're still young.

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