Early Summer


Early Summer (Original Title)



I suddenly felt that I'd be happy with him.

你是说礼吧…你们两个口口声声说礼节,把它当成是男人必须体贴女人,可是你们错了,不管是男人还是女人 在任何方面都不给别人添麻烦,那才叫是礼,叫风度。
You're always bringing up etiquette at every turn...expecting men to be kind to women by law or something, but you're mistaken Men and women should have respect for each other, that's what etiquette really means.

- 你没有结过婚是不会明白的!
- 结了婚才明白,就太迟了…对吧
- Only married people understand.
- Once you're hitched, it's too late to understand.

- 没结婚的人不懂人间真正的幸福,未婚者没权插嘴。
- 什么叫幸福?那只是一场好玩的赌博,就像是赛马的前夜,一个人兴奋地盘算着明天买这个和这个马的马票,中了头奖该买什么。
- Single people don't know what real happiness is, they have no right to talk.
- You always go on about happiness, but it's just anticipation, like before you go to the races, planning which horse to bet on then dreaming about how you’ll spend your winnings.

- 我们一群朋友很有意思,总是分成两派,结了婚的一派,没结婚的一派,绫子今天一个人苦苦斗争
- 为什么?
- 她们看不起我们,管我们叫作未婚的
- My friends are funny. We always split into two groups...the married and the single. Aya got all worked up again.
- How come?
- Because the married ones look down on us for being single.

我原以为,像你这样的人是绝对离不开东京的,我以为你这样的人,在西式花园里 种着白色的花,肖邦的音乐,在镶白磁砖的厨房里放个电冰箱,打开一看,一排排都是可口可乐。比方说,我去找你玩,你家门廊上,遮着带条纹的天蓬,你穿着洁白的毛衣,逗一只苏格兰梗犬玩,你还会说:“Hello, how are you?”,隔着篱笆那边。
I didn't think you were the type who could ever leave Tokyo. I imagined you'd live Western-style,with a flower garden...listening to Chopin, and in your tiled kitchen, you'd havea refrigerator filled with Coca-Cola. And when I'd visit, you'd meet me on a covered porch...wearing a white sweater, playing with a Scottish terrier...and you'd greet me over a hedge, "Hello, how are you?"

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