Eastern Promises


Eastern Promises (Original Title)

圣诞节,一个14岁的俄罗斯少女因难产而死在伦敦一家医院,俄裔助产士安娜(娜奥米·沃茨 饰)觉得事有蹊跷,暗中调查少女的来历,却发现少女不但是一个偷渡客,而且还是深陷性交易的雏妓,安娜在叔叔的指点下找到了偏僻的伦敦俄裔社区。原本,安娜只想向叔叔老朋友西蒙(阿明·缪勒·斯塔 尔 饰)了解情况,但在偶遇神秘而阴郁的尼古拉(维果·莫腾森 饰)之后,却发现真相超出想象的复杂...


You know, it never snows in this city. It's never hot. London is a city of whores and queers. I think London is to blame for what he is.

Our lines to Kabul are broken every two or three weeks. Why? The Americans. Fucking NATO.

How can I become king, if king is still in place?

My name is Tatiana. My father died in the mines in my village, so he was already buried when he died. We were all buried there. Buried under the soil of Russia. That is why I left, to find a better life. 

- 车不错,乌拉尔牌, 已经很少见了。
- 这是我爸的
- 多少钱卖?
- 情意无价的
- "情意无价" ,我听过这种说法。
- Nice bike. Ural. You don't see them anymore.
- It was my dad's.
- How much do you want for it?
- It has sentimental value.
- "Sentimental value." I've heard of that.

In Russian prisons your life story is written on your body in tattoos. You don't have tattoos, you don't exist.

I'm not sure I can carry on another day. Sometimes I think this is all a hallucination.

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