Burn your books. Make warriors of your poets. Let your doctors invent new poisons for our arrows. Let your scientists invent new war machines. And then, kill! Burn.
你绝对不知道恋人是怎样计算时间的,晚一点就是快一点,傍晚就是中午呢,可是啊,一个人骑马究竟只能跑那么快… 不管他爱得有多深。
You don't really understand how love keeps time. Later means sooner; sundown means noon. Still, a man on a horse can move only so fast… no matter how much the man is in love.
They say all women in love… are tormented that way. Because they don't dare believe that such happiness… can really be theirs.
I want your love, Chimene. More than I want honor, glory, wealth. You understand a love like that.
We bring you peace! Soldiers and citizens! We bring you freedom! We bring you life! We bring you… bread! We bring you bread! Bread!
All men must die. Why not for a good cause?
It's not easy for a man to conquer himself. You have done that.