Everything Everywhere All at Once


Everything Everywhere All at Once (Original Title)




You know me. I always mix up 'he', 'she'. In Chinese,just one word - 'ta' - so easy.

- 现在呢,你要么跟着我走,我们去激发你的无限潜能,要么就躺在这儿,等他们找你算账。
- 那我还是躺这儿吧。
- Now, you can either come with me and live up to your ultimate potential or lie here and live with the consequences.
- I want to lie here.

I am no longer willing to do to my daughter what you did to me. How did you let me go? How on earth did you do it so easily? It's okay if you can't be proud of me. Because I finally am. You may see in here all of your greatest fears squeezed into one person. I spent most of her childhood praying she would noe end up like me. But she turned out to be stubborn, aimless, a mess. Just like her mother. But now I see. It's OK that she's a mess. Because just like me...the universe gave her someone kind, patient...and forgiving to make up for all she lacks.

Maybe it's like you said. Maybe there is something out there, some new discovery that will make us feel like even smaller pieces of shit. Something that explains why you still went looking for me through all of this noise. And why, no matter what, I still want to be here with you.

If nothing matters...then all the pain and guilt you feel for making nothing of your life...it goes away. Sucked Into A bagel. 

'Right' is a tiny box invented by people who are afraid, and I know what it feels like to be trapped inside that box.


- 我觉得自己很傻
- 天呐,拜托,我们都很傻好吗?渺小、愚蠢的人类,我们似乎一直都是这种设定。在我们大部分的历史当中,我们都认为地球是宇宙的中心,我们折磨并杀害那些持有异见的人,直到我们发现地球其实是绕着太阳转的,而太阳仅只是数万亿恒星中的一颗,现在你再看看我们,正试着接受这个事实,所有我们已知存在的一切,不过是未知千千万宇宙中的一个而已,每一次的新发现都只是在提醒我们,我们都是渺小而愚蠢的。
- I just feel so stupid
- God! Please. We're all stupid! Small, stupid humans. It's like our whole deal. For most of our histury, we knew the Earth was the center of the universe. We killed and tortured people for saying otherwise. That is, until we discovered that the Earth is actually revolving around the Sun, which is just one sun out of trillions of suns. And now look at us, trying to deal with the fact that all of that exists inside of one universe out of who knows how many. Every new disvovery is just a reminder we're all samll & stupid.

- 我很抱歉搞砸了这一切
- 嘘,你不需要担心这些,静静做一颗石头就好。
- I'm sorry about ruining everything.
- Shhh. You don't have to worry about that here. Just be a rock.

Do you know why I actually built the bagel? It wasn't to destroy everything. It was to destroy myself. I wanted to see if I went in,could I finally escape? Like, actually die.

有一天我很无聊,我就把所有东西都放在一个百吉饼上,所有东西,我的希望和梦想 我过去的成绩单,所有品种的狗,网络分类广告、芝麻、罂粟籽、盐,后来这百吉饼自己就坍塌了,因为,如果你真的把所有的东西都放在一个百吉饼上, 它就会变成这样。
I got bored one day and I put everything on a bagel. Everything. All my hopes and dreams,my old report cards, every breed of dog, Sesame. Poppy seed. Salt. And it collapsed in on itself. 'Cause, you see,when you really put everything on a bagel, it becomes this.

恭喜你终于把自己的狗屎人生想明白了,挺好的,我真心为你感到高兴,但是我...我累了,我也不想再拖累别人了, 我也不知道为什么,但每当我们俩待在一起,两个人总会彼此伤害,所以我们就各走各的路,行吗?
Good for you.You're figuring your shit out. And that's great. I'm really,really happy for you. But I'm....I'm tired. I don't want to hurt anymore. And for some reason when I'm with you, it just...it just hurts the both of us. So let's just go our separate ways, OK?


When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naive. It is strategic and necessay. It's how I've learned to survive througth everything. I know you see yourself as a fighter. Well, I see myself as one too. This is how I fight.

I don't know. The only thing I do know...is that we have to be kind. Please. Be kind...

He who loves the most regrets the most. Let's not live in a fantasy.

Deirdre Beaubeirdre:

我记得当年我丈夫和我提离婚的时候,我开着他的车 冲进了邻居的厨房,哈,但你知道我是怎么说的吗?“正是我们这种没人爱的坏女人,维持着世界的运转。”
”I remembered when my husband served me papers. I drove his Kia Forte through my neighbour's kitchen. Huh! But you know what I say? It's called,"Unlovable bitches like us.....make the world go 'round."

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