Flirting Scholar


唐伯虎點秋香 (Original Title)

唐伯虎身为江南四大才子之首,却有道不尽的心酸。宁王想唐伯虎帮忙图谋作反,唐伯虎只好用内功改变脉象,令众人都相信他命不久矣。母亲埋怨他不应该把功夫暴露,因为他们家族一直被当年的仇人追杀。唐伯虎在与朋友出游时,遇到了貌若天仙的秋香并对她一见钟情,决心要到华府当 家丁以追求秋香。


江南四大才子之中就以祝兄为人最为洒脱 众人皆知,所谓“风吹鸡蛋壳,财去人安乐”,此乃祝兄 你的座右铭哦,不是吗?
Among the 'Four Scholars', Everyone knows you love gambling. 'Having no money, to live comfortably', it is your motto, right?

我是心又悲 我心又痛
八个老婆 如豺狼恶虎
人家当我 享尽齐人福
其实空虚寂寞 谁人知 谁人知
l am so miserable.
My wives are abnormal housewives.
But others envy me so much.
ln fact, l am lonely.

山下 一群鹅
嘘一声 赶落河
落河捉鹅 医肚饿
吃完回家 玩老婆
'There are many geese under the mountain.'
'They rushed down to the river.'
'Let's roast a goose.'
'After roasting, you'd better go home for a screw.'

Who do you think l am? Make it ten.

l've got it, the most pretty smile… is the smile with love. God, I finally found my dream lover. She is Chou-heung.

Siu Keung, Siu Keung, how are you, Siu Keung? Don't die, Siu Keung We have suffered for such a long time, l treated you as my relative. How can you leave me like this…

Don't talk, but do it now. Don't feel tender because l am so pretty and civilized. Try your best!

Be frank, you can term me as a thief, but not a perverted thief. You can call me a thief for love.

Don't think that… you can take advantage from innocent girls. l tell you, it doesn't matter to be poor, but a man should be cultured. lf not even you are educated, you are rubbish anyway.

'The temple is located inside the peach blossom garden.'
'There is a fairy of peach blossom.'
'The fairy of peach blossom planted the peach blossom trees.'
Picking peach blossom for wine money
'The people thought l was insane.'
'But they don't really understand me.'
'Can't you see the graves of the heroes?'
'No flowers, no wine, but who cares?'

I have a green dragon on my left, a white tiger on my right, an old ox at my waist, a dragon's head on my chest, and I can kill anyone who stands in my way.. l will kill any one if he is blocking my way!

- 一乡二里 共三夫子 不识四书五经六义 竟敢教七八九子 十分大胆。
- 十室九贫 凑得八两七钱六分 五毫四厘 尚且三心二意 一等下流。
- A for apple B for boy,' 'C for cat and D for dog' 'E for egg and G for girl'
- Doe a deer, Ray,' 'a drop of golden sun' Me a name l call myself, Far a long long way to run.'

- 图画里 龙不吟虎不啸 小小书僮可笑可笑
- 棋盘里 车无轮马无缰 叫声将军提防提防
- ln the paintings,' 'the dragons and tigers won't roar.'
- ln the chess,' 'the horses and the generals can't fight.'

- 莺莺燕燕 翠翠红红 处处融融洽洽
- 雨雨风风 花花叶叶 年年暮暮朝朝
- 'An A, a bee, a C and a D'
- 'An E, a F, a G and a H'.

- 十口心思 思君思国思社稷
- 八目共赏 赏花赏月赏秋香
- 'See ajerk standing over there.'
- 'Hear a bastard sitting before me.'

- 我上等威风 显现一身虎胆
- 你下流贱格 露出半个龟头
- 'l am hero in the battle field.'
- 'You are chicken in bed instead.'

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