I didn't think people met people in real life anymore, you know?
I don't know, maybe it's not meant for me, 'cause I've, like, been alone so long, I'm actually pretty good at it.
It's... all just so confusing. And I can't quite process...'cause I feel awful. I feel... awful. 'Cause I don't... I don't feel awful.
我讨厌约会这件事,知道吗?一切与约会相关的都讨厌,比如尴尬的寒暄,你问我答之类的,还有发信息,展露最好的一面,一切的一切 都让人厌倦,我不知道 我只是觉得,相信真爱的人都是他妈的白痴,就像我们把找到幸福的全部希望,都寄托在另一个人身上。
I hate, like, dating. You know? Everything about it. The, like... The awkward preamble. The, like, questions and stuff. The, like...You know, texting. The perfect projection. Everything about it. Honestly. I don't know, I just think that, um...people who, like, believe in true love are fucking idiots. Like, we put all our hopes of, like, finding happiness through someone else.
We can meet here next week to talk about the broccoli if you want.
I was thinking about what you said that night. About growing up alone and all. Made me realize nobody's ever really cooked for you. And that made me sad. Everyone has to have someone cook for them once.
I'm gonna tell you now. I'm gonna sell your meat. People pay me a lot of money for it. And your hair. And weird shit like that. It's a thing. So...I'm not... I'm not gonna kill you...uh, right away...Because the fresher the meat, the better. So I'm gonna keep you alive for as long as I can. Unless you act up.
It's about giving. Giving yourself over to somebody. Becoming one with somebody else, forever. And that's... That's a beautiful thing. That's surrender. That's love.
- 你有推特吗?
- 绝对没有,有人在推特上说过什么睿智的话吗?
- Wow. What about, um, Twitter?
- Definitely not. Does anyone say anything smart on Twitter ever?
- 这个组织里有多少人?
- 不多,最富有的1%人群中的1%,没有什么是这些人买不起的 对吧?他们想要的是别人没有的,或者得不到的,我填补了这个空白,我可以给他们供货,我因此在圈子里出了名。
- And how many people are in this community?
- Not many. The one percent of the one percent. You know, there's nothing these people can't afford, right? They want the one thing that no one else hasor can get. And that's where I come in. I can get it for them. I made a name for myself.
你不需要男人,好吗?或者任何人。我们就是迪士尼电影看多了,对爱情有很多不切实际的幻想,去他妈的爱丽儿, 蠢女人竟然为了一个男人放弃了整个大海,拜托,去他妈的美女,去他妈的野兽,你就是野兽!你最棒!
You do not need a man, okay? Or anybody, for that matter. It's just the way we've been raised since fuckin' Disney movies. Fuck Ariel. Stupid bitch left the whole sea for a man. Fuck Beauty. Fuck the Beast. You are the beast! Get it!
That's one of the things I love about dating women. Less games, more emotional dependence, you know? So don't play the games, just be you straight out the gate. Fuck it.
I don't even know who I am anymore. I hope he fucking chokes. And then he gets a fucking tapeworm. And it just eats him from the inside, slowly. And that all his weirdo friends shit and puke out of their eyes till they all fucking die.