Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead! Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity.
You know, dirt cleans off a lot easier than blood, Quintus.
My house is in the hills above Trujillo. A very simple place. Pink stones that warm in the sun. A kitchen garden that smells of herbs in the day, jasmine in the evening. Through the gate is a giant poplar. Figs, apples, pears. The soil, Marcus, black. Black like my wife's hair. Grapes on the south slopes, olives on the north. Wild ponies play near my house. They tease my son. He wants to be one of them.
I would butcher the whole world, if you would only have loved me!
Some are good for fighting, others for dying. You need both, I think.
Ultimately, we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot choose how, but we can decide how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered as men.
你应该去看看竞技场 西班牙人,五万罗马观众,注视着你斗剑时的一举一动,期待你挥出致命的一击,在你挥剑之前的寂静和那之后的骚动,喧闹声不断的提高,就像一场暴风雨,而你自己就是雷神。
You should see the Colosseum, Spaniard. Fifty thousand Romans, watching every movement of your sword, willing you to make that killer blow. The silence before you strike and the noise afterwards. It rises. It rises up, like a storm. As if you were the thunder god himself.
My name is Gladiator.
Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the emperor of Rome.
We mortals are but shadows and dust. Shadows and dust, Maximus!
Do you remember what our father said once? "It's a dream, a frightful dream, life is."
They call for you. The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. A striking story.
I knew a man who once said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."
Is Rome won'th one good mars life? We believed it once. Make us believe it again.