Goodfellas by Marc Aspinall


GoodFellas (Original Title)



As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. To me, being a gangster was better than being president of the United States. Even before I first wandered into the cabstand for an after-school job...I knew I wanted to be a part of them. It was there that I knew I belonged. To me, it meant being somebody in a neighborhood full of nobodies. They weren't like anybody else. They did whatever they wanted. They double-parked in front of a hydrant, nobody ever gave them a ticket. In the summer, when they played cards all night...nobody ever called the cops.

For them, the cabstand was supposed to be a part-time job. But for was definitely full-time. That's all I wanted to do. People like my father could never understand, but I was a part of something. I belonged. I was treated like a grown-up.

Every day I was learning to score. A dollar here, a dollar there. I was living in a fantasy.

What Paulie and the Organization offer protection for people who can't go to the cops. That's it. That's all it is. They're like the police department for wiseguys.

What the fuck is this world coming to? I can't believe this. A Jew broad, prejudiced against Italians.

- 你为什么不找个好姑娘?我是说找个好女孩,能结婚安定下来。
- 我每晚都安定下来,然后早上又自由了。
- Why don't you get yourself a nice girl? But get yourself a girl so you could settle down.
- I do, every night. Then I'm free.

You walk like fucking Stepin Fetchit. For everybody else you run. Run for me, you prick! Dance, dance the fucking drink back here! What's that movie that Bogart made?

The judge gave Jimmy and me 10 years like he was giving away candy.

You know, when you think of prison you get pictures in your mind...of all those old movies with rows of guys behind bars. It wasn't like that for wiseguys. It really wasn't that bad, excepting that I missed Jimmy...who was doing his time in Atlanta. Everyone else in the joint was doing real time, mixed together, living like pigs. But we lived alone. We owned the joint. Even the hacks we couldn't bribe would never rat on the guys we did...had respect. People loved one another. They left their doors open.

To become a member of a crew, you've got to be 100% they can trace your relatives back to the old country. It's the highest honor they can give you. It means you belong to a family and a crew. It means nobody can fuck around with you. It also means you could fuck around with anybody...just as long as they aren't also a member. It's like a license to steal. A license to do anything.

$3,200. That's what he gave me. $3,200 for a lifetime. It wasn't even enough to pay for the coffin.

If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you they're going to kill you. It doesn't happen that way. There aren't any arguments or curses like in the movies. Your murderers come with smiles. They come as your friends. People who cared for you all your life. They always seem to come when you're weakest and most in need of their help.

The hardest thing was leaving the life. I still love the life. We were treated like movie stars with muscle. We had it all, just for the asking. Our wives, mothers, kids, everybody rode along.

That's the hardest part. Today everything is different. There's no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food. After I got here I ordered spaghetti with marinara sauce...and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.

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