We could start over. Ho Po-Wing always says, "Let's start over," and it gets to me every time. We've been together for a while and break up often, but whenever he says, "Let's start over," I find myself back with him.
I had no regrets till I met you. Now my regrets could kill me!
One thing I never told Ho Po-Wing was that I didn't want him to recover too quickly. Those were our happiest days.
Sometimes I think ears are more important. You "see" better with your ears. You can pretend to look happy, but your voice reveals the truth. If you listen closely, you understand.
There's a lighthouse down there. Heartbroken people go there… and leave their unhappiness behind.
Anything from your heart. Even something sad. I'll take it to the end of the world.
I always thought I was different from Po-Wing. Turns out lonely people are all the same.
I lose my way and wander around for a while, but I finally reach Iguazu. I feel very sad. I feel like there should be two of us standing here.