
鹰眼 第一季

Hawkeye (Original Title)



Quotes from Kate Bishop:

你太内敛了 你的防备心太强,就像穿了16层防弹装甲一样,而你的内心隐藏得太深,让人一点都感受不到。
You are very contained. Keep your cards close to your vest, which you wear over a suit of armor and, like, 16 other layers of self-protection. All of which, under, finally, is your heart. So, not exactly on your sleeve.

我小时候 外星人入侵了,当时只有我自己,我吓坏了,但是我看见了你用一把弓箭与外星人对抗,我看到你从楼上纵身跃下 尽管你既不能飞,也没有任何超能力,那时我就在想,“如果他能这么做 那我就没什么可害怕的了”,是你让我明白,英雄并不一定要会飞,并不需要用双手发射激光,任何人都可以成为英雄,只要他敢于做正确的事情,不计较个人得失
When I was younger, aliens invaded. And I was alone. And I was terrified. But then I saw you, fighting aliens with a stick and a string. I saw you jump from that building even though you can't fly, even though you don't have superpowers. And I thought, "If he could do that, then I didn't have to be scared." You showed me that being a hero isn't just for people who can fly or shoot lasers out of their hands, it's for anyone, who's brave enough to do what's right, no matter the cost.

Quotes from Clint Barton:

我的意思是 你努力试着去帮助人们,就会有很多牺牲,你会永远地失去一些东西。
I mean, try to help people, anyway. Comes with a lot of sacrifices. And some things you'll lose... forever.

Kate, you always wanna prioritize a quick exit over a quick entrance.

娜塔莎…我现在真的想和你说说话,你是我们当中最英勇的 对吧,忠心耿耿 固执己见,你永远争强好胜 对吗?就为了一块橙色的破石头。我在脑子里重演了无数遍 希望能有个不一样的结局,但是我每天都在努力 让你赋予我的生命不会虚度,我只想说…我只想说 我很想念你,希望你能原谅我接下来的举动。
Natasha...I really need to talk to you right now. You were the bravest of us all, weren't you? Loyal, stubborn. You always had to win, didn't you? And for a stupid orange rock. I replayed that a million times in my head hoping for a different outcome. But I do my best every day to earn what you gave me. Just wanna say I'm...Just wanna say I miss you. And I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do.

Quotes from Clint Barton & Kate Bishop:

- 你射的最好的一箭是哪一次? 
- 是我没射出去的那一箭。
- Best shot you ever took?
- Uh, the one I didn't take.

- 这不公平 你仗着自己是个孩子,就这样随心所欲胡搅蛮缠
- 是不公平 但是这不就是人生嘛。
- That's not fair, that your inability to act like a grown-up helps you get your way. 
- No, it's not. But it is what it is.

Quotes from others:

Eleanor Bishop:别泄气 亲爱的,有的时候我们要走的路,可能比预期的更加曲折,你能做的就只有不断前进,即便有时候你会觉得一切都糟透了。
Don't beat yourself up, hon. Sometimes the paths we're on, they wind around in ways that we never would have expected. All you can do is keep moving forward, even on days when honestly, it all just kind of feels like shit.

Hawkeye's gonna stay in a hotel for Christmas? Man, take my couch. Really, take my bed.

You have to learn to jump between two worlds. Just by watching.

年轻人觉得自己所向无敌 有钱人觉得自己可以为所欲为,你又年轻又有钱。
Young people think they're invincible, rich people think they're invincible. And you have always been both.

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