The curry fish ball now becomes tasteless, neither fish nor curry. That's a failure! You haven't selected the turnip. Too much fiber. A failure. The pig skin is overcooked. A failure. The pig blood is too soft. A failure, too. This pig colon is the worst. It's not properly washed. You can find shit inside. How come? Hey, shit!
- 难道丑也有罪啊?
- 有罪,作为一个厨师 当然应该考虑到顾客最细微的心理,就好比演三级片的女明星都要去隆乳来取悦观众。
- But being ugly is not a fault.
- Sure.Being a chef, you must be considerate for the guests. Even female stars in porn movies must get plastic surgery on their busts.
Even Confucius and Jesus said, "First love is wonderful."
Good cooks always end up as beggars.
Amida Buddha. I come and go with the wind.
You've enraged the dean. You want to escape? No way!
Please reform and believe in Buddha.
轻功的奥妙之处… 就是可以让一个好像肥猪那么重的人飞到半空之中,而且还可以叫得像杀猪一样。
The secret of Flying Skills is that it can make a man who's as heavy as a seal fly up high in the sky, and make ghosts cry.
His hair turned white overnight.His love is so deep. What is love?Why is it forever?
Angels are everywhere in the street.