For you, the world is an oyster. For me, it's more complicated. Very complicated.
lt's marvelous, with autumn on one hand… and with spring on the other. Everything's just fine.
No, it's not possible. l'd trade all the cities in the world for his room.
Charles, should one have a passion? A job you're involved in… to earn a living, to prove you exist?
And now she's all alone, like me. Like Lucille, weeping alone on the beach. Like these figures there silently weeping.
“世界上没有任何别的东西能比得上… 一个人在地球上独自地短暂地生存,呼吸,活着,而且有感知。”
''Nothing to match… nothing else in all this world… but to live for the short time… which you are alone on this earth… to breathe, to be alive, and to know it.''