Patrizia Reggiani:这名字听上去既甜美又诱人,让人联想到财富、时尚、权力,你经过他们的橱窗往内一瞥,希望有一天能赚够钱买件便宜单品,然而,你买不起。
It was a name that sounded so sweet, so seductive. Synonymous with You passed one of their windows and peeked inside,hoping you'd earn enough money someday to afford the second-cheapest item. Surprise! You won't.
Maurizio Gucci:Gucci 就像那个蛋糕,只要你觉得它够大家吃,尝过以后胃口就会越来越大,然后你就会想占为己有。
Gucci is like that cake. Once you think there's enough to go around...then you'll have a taste, and then you'll want more...and then you'll want the whole thing for yourself.
Aldo Gucci:墨里奇奥是你独子,你真正的接班人,你不让他重返家门…我就老实说吧,你只会变成一个心酸孤独的老人,我们都会落到这个下场。
Maurizio is your only son. He is your true legacy. You don't bring him back into the fold...I'm telling'll only wind up being a bitter and lonely old man. That's what happens to all of us.
Aldo Gucci:你最后一次是几时摸过他? 又是几时拥抱过他?你不摸任何人,你以前偶尔还会摸,现在只会摸自己?
When did you last touch him, huh? When did you last hug him? You don't touch anybody. You used to touch every once in a while, now you, what, touch yourself?
Where Ralph Lauren stores, they feel like movie sets, and Versace is a rock concert, Gucci stores will feel like the Vatican of fashion.
You go down to come back up again.
- 古驰家族送我们唯一的结婚礼物
- 优惠券
- The only wedding gift the Guccis gave us.
- Coupons.
- 他是什么东西?
- 一只扮成马屁精的恐龙
- Who does he think he is?
- Well, a dinosaur posing as a butthole.
- 我不知道我嫁给了一个怪物
- 并没有,妳嫁给一个古驰家的人。
- I had no idea I married a monster.
- You didn't. You married a Gucci.