Don't worry, Mr. Wilcox. There's no place in this game for chivalry. It tends to bring out the animal in all of us.
I'm afraid I lost my head, rather. It must have been the moonlight. Except there was no moon.
We no longer hear the hero, but a goblin. A single, solitary goblin… walking across the universe… from beginning to end. Why a goblin? Well, it's obvious. The goblin signifies the spirit of negation. But why specifically a goblin? Panic and emptiness. That is what the goblin signifies. Minor, spelling panic. Major, magnificent. A hero, triumphant.
Does music have meaning? Of the literary kind. I mean. That's pure slush.
They belong to types that can fall in love, but can't live together. I'm afraid that in nine cases out of ten… nature pulls one way and human nature the other.
England has no true mythology. All we have are witches and fairies.
- 如果他得到全世界,却失去灵魂,这对他会有什么好处?
- 他有足够的钱之前不会有灵魂。
- What if he gained the whole world. but lost his own soul?
- But he won't gain his soul until he has enough money to do it with.
Don't take up a sentimental attitude over the poor. See that she doesn't, Margaret. The poor are poor. One is sorry for them, but there it is.
We fellows all fall from grace once in our time.
If rich people fail at one profession, they can try another. But with us, once a man over 20 loses his own particular job, he's done for.
长长的影子躺在草地上 上面的”
在这里飞舞 在那里闪闪发光”
Ankle-deep, he waded through the bluebells.
His spirit rose and exulted…
as he breathed in the sun-drenched air.
The glorious day was in its last decline.
Long shadows lay on the sward, and from above…
the leaves dripped their shimmering drops of gold-green light.
Moths and butterflies swarmed in merry hosts…
flittering here, glimmering there.
But hush. Could that be a deer?