Movie idol of the Roaring '20s. Look at him. Gazing into his crystal ball! You have set the son- in- law business back 50 years.
That's the trouble with Hollywood dames. They all have such a sketchy education. They know nothing...about the community chest, but everything about community property.
Good love scenes should be about something beside love. Like this one. Me fixing grapefruit, you sitting over there dopey, half asleep. Anyone looking at us could tell we were in love.
- 这就是他的一部分,就像他眼睛的颜色、脑袋的形状一样,他是迪克斯·斯蒂尔,如果你想跟他在一起,就得全盘接受,好的坏的一起。
- 我已经接受了20年,,如果从头再来,我还会这样做。
- It's as much a part of him as the colour of his eyes. If you want him, you've got to take the bad with the good.
- I've taken it for 20 years. And I'd do it again.
And believe me, it's harder to come back than to arrive.
I lived a few weeks while you loved me.