Beijing has changed so fast. In 20 years, it's become a modern city. Almost nothing is as I remembered. These changes have wiped out my memories, and I can no longer distinguish between illusion and reality.
My stories always take place in summer. People expose more of themselves in the heat and find it harder to control their desires. At that time, it seemed that summer would last forever. The sun always had time to come out and accompany me. The sunlight was so abundant, so bright, that our eyes were washed in waves of blackness.
In the mid-1970s, Beijing didn't have so many cars or luxury hotels, or even that many people on the streets. Kids older than us had all gone to the countryside or into army units, and the town belonged to us.
I was crazy about keys and I even started to make them myself. At first I practiced on all the locks at home, peering into my parents' secrets. Then I began breaking into other people's homes. Every time the bolt released with a click, I was propelled into a realm of sheer bliss. This feeling...This feeling could have only been known by the Soviets as they attacked Berlin in WWII.
Her image filled the entire scope of my vision, and the suggestiveness of her gaze was bounded only by my imagination.
I spent the days wandering around on top of that building, like a cat on a hot tin roof. Restlessly I waited for the girl in the picture to appear. She was like a ghost, leaving neither trace nor shadow as she came and went. Yet I could still sense a vestige of her impression, a trace of her fragrance, that verified her existence.
I heard he has two wives, one back in the countryside, and a new one. Why do you think one's called Sitian ("thinking sweetness") and the other is called Yiku ("recalling bitterness")?
I want to fly!
I want to fly high in the sky,
through the clouds, all way to the Kremlin!
I'll fly to Leningrad!
You asked me to go there, and then you just ignore me, and play some heroes, some Vastly, from Lenin in October.
That was the most perfect day of my life. The caresses of the morning breeze raised goosebumps on my skin, and my whole body tingled. I still remember the particularly aromatic smell of dead grass burning. But who'd be burning dead grass at the height of summer? Whatever the truth is, in my memory, everything that happened that summer is accompanied by the smell of burning grass.
Comrades. We're all clueless. Just be careful. Hold your fire and slip into the village.
Listen hey, listen! Sometimes a particular sound or smell can take you back into the actual past. My head is now as lucid as a bright moon. So, H! continue with my story, never mind whether it's the truth or not.