It Happened One Night


It Happened One Night (Original Title)



Send a wireless to the Lovington Detective Agency. "Daughter escaped again."

Have a nice piece of juicy steak. You don't have to eat it. Just smell it. It's a poem.

有了耶利哥之墙 大野狼就不会来了。
The walls of Jericho will protect you from the big bad wolf.

I'm the whippoorwill that cries in the night.
I'm the soft morning breeze that caresses your lovely face.

What makes you so disgustingly cheerful this morning? Must be the spring.

当你又穷又饿 前途暗淡时,你就要用这个姿势从头摆到尾,但是一定要配上可怜兮兮的表情才有用。
You know when you're broke and hungry, everything looks black. It's a long sweeping movement like this. Gotta follow through, though. Yeah! But it's no good, if you haven't got a long face to go with it.

你是个娇生惯养的富家女,你认为所有的东西都可以用钱买,当你遇到困境 你心里只想到自己的钱,从来都是这样 不是吗?你有没有听过"谦虚"这个词,我想你一定没有,你有没有想过只要求我行了,先生 我有麻烦了 你能帮助我吗?但这会降低你的地位是吧。我告诉你,你根本不需要担心我,我对你的钱 还有你的问题根本没兴趣。
Just the spoiled brat of a rich father. The only way you get anything is to buy it, isn't it? You're in a jam and all you can think of is your money. It never fails, does it? Ever hear of the word "humility"? No, you wouldn't. I guess it never occurred to you to say... Please, Mister, I'm in trouble. Will you help me? No, that'd bring you down off your high horse. Let me tell you something to ease your mind. You don't have to worry about me. I'm not interested in your money or your problem.

- 你身价百万却不知道怎么泡甜甜圈
- 我宁愿自己是水管工的女儿
- Just goes to show you. $20 million, and you don't know how to dunk.
- I'd change places with a plumber's daughter any day.

- 她需要一个不时修理她的男人,不管她是不是活该。
- 要是你有脑筋的话,你早就修理她了。
- She needs a guy that'd sock her once a day whether it's coming to her or not.
- If you were wiser, you'd have done it yourself long ago.

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