So, after twelve years of absence and in spite of my fear, I was going to visit them. In life there are a number of motivations that are no one's business, that force you to leave, without looking back. And there are just as many motivations that force you to return. So after all those years, I decided to retrace my steps. Take the journey...to announce my death. Announce it in person, and try to give the others, and myself, one last time, the illusion that I am, until its very end, the master of my life.
Whenever...I'm the one who gets the mail. And whenever I see a postcard in the pile, I try to put it picture side up. That way, I have something to turn over. To discover. Something I'm hoping for.
I called all of them Denise.
I'm curious to...see the surroundings, how they've evolved...How time has modified or...wrecked them.
It took us 20 years to get outta there, and you want to go see if the wind has wafted the autumn leaves onto the rusted roof? What the fuck? Who cares?
I didn't forget that. Your endless stories, and words, words, words, to confuse us, and fuck us over! You get away with it, and I'm lost!
We think silent people are good listeners. But I shut up so people leave me alone.
I was young, I can't remember, but there was no drama...tragic stuff, or betrayals, or murders. Shit like that...So he'd avoid us. He doesn't care. He doesn't feel the need for "us". He wants to be far. He's almost farther sitting on our couch. He's the sad one. He missed all those years, never saw you grow. And life went on, as it does today, invariably.
Just like in books. You're unhappy, but only 'cause it's convenient. So choose to be happy.
♪ 我的家没有顶 ♪
♪ 我的家没有窗 ♪
♪ 它也不能遮风挡雨 ♪
♪ 我的家没有把手 ♪
♪ 我的家没有钥匙 ♪
♪ 如果你来抢劫我 ♪
♪ 亦偷无可偷 ♪
♪ 家不是港湾 ♪
♪ 家 家 家 ♪
♪ 是让我伤痕累累的地方 ♪
♪ 我的家没有心脏 ♪
♪ 我的家没有血管 ♪
♪ 如果你想破门而入 ♪
♪ 亦不会血流成河 ♪
♪ 我的大脑没有通路 ♪
♪ 我的心墙没有伪装 ♪
♪ 你可以在这里迷失 ♪
♪ 因为这里并无他人 ♪
♪ 家不是港湾 ♪
♪ 家里没有灵车 ♪
♪ 家不是港湾 ♪
♪ 家里没有灵车 ♪
♪ 家不是港湾 ♪
♪ 家 家 家 ♪
♪ 是让我伤痕累累的地方 ♪
♪ My home has no roof ♪
♪ My home has no windows ♪
♪ It'ain't water proof ♪
♪ My home has no handles ♪
♪ My home has no keys ♪
♪ If you're here to rob me ♪
♪ There's nothing to steal ♪
♪ Home is not a harbour ♪
♪ Home home home ♪
♪ Is where it hurts ♪
♪ My home has no heart ♪
♪ My home has no veins ♪
♪ If you try to break in ♪
♪ It bleeds with no stains ♪
♪ My brain has no corridors ♪
♪ My walls have no skin ♪
♪ You can lose your life here ♪
♪ Cause there's no one in ♪
♪ Home is not harbour ♪
♪ Home has not a hearse ♪
♪ Home is not harbour ♪
♪ Home has not a hearse ♪
♪ Home is not harbour ♪
♪ Home home home ♪
♪ Is where it hurts ♪