Key of Life


鍵泥棒のメソッド (Original Title)

小剧场演员樱井武史(堺雅人 饰)奋斗多年始终未见出头天,穷困潦倒,情场失意,绝望至极的他连自杀都不成功。无奈之下,他只得进入大众浴池洗澡,谁知却阴差阳错用一枚香皂滑到了某个陌生男子。男子倒地晕厥,樱井则鬼迷心窍偷走了对方的储物柜钥匙...


I'm scared. I don't want others to define me. I want to find out for myself who I am.

Dear Mr Yamazaki, please forgive me...I'm so very sorry, I'm the one who stole your money. I'm the real Takeshi Sakurai. But that doesn't matter now... because I've decided. I'll kill myself to atone. But not in your apartment. In a park, or somewhere. I may have to borrow a stout rope.

I probably did it on purpose to kill myself. The chances of dying would be very slim. I'm 35 years old, no job, no prospects. Living alone, in this dump, that's reason enough, isn't it? I've forgotten why I wanted to kill myself. What's more important is what I do from now on.

Acting is about getting into another person's skin. You need to live another's experiences. It's actually quite interesting.

I've allocated one month to find someone. Another month to get to know him. That brings us to the second week in December.

You call these scribbles a plan? And why suddenly decide to save her? Did you want someone to finally appreciate you?

You think that buying them makes you a better actor. You're all show, there's nothing to you.

- 樱井武史:我的演技是以斯特拉斯伯格的方法为基本的,我想用心理上的方法决定演技路线
- 山崎信一郎:你房间里那本斯特拉斯伯格的书,只看了最前面的8页,其他书也是一样。
- I'm a trained Method actor. I need to dredge this through my emotions. 
- You had the textbook, yes. But you didn't get past page 8. Same with all your books on acting. 

- 水岛香苗:我觉得男人没有一定的经济能力还是不行的,光是嘴上说给你幸福什么的,一点说服力都没有,那些小屁孩明明没钱,还一口一个我爱你,不难为情吗?你不觉得吗?
- 我不觉得。
- A man's no good if he can't make money. Sweet words alone will never satisfy a woman. Not a penny to his name, all he's got is love. That's shameful. Don't you agree?
- No, I don't.

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